Aging & your metabolism (action steps inside)
Ever heard of the “middle-aged spread”?
It’s what can happen when you hit your 30s/40s and your metabolism starts to change.
In a nutshell, your body starts to gain fat because of shifting hormones and the aging process.
Despite what you have read (and maybe even felt): gaining weight as you get older is not inevitable!!!
I’ve put together a list of 4 things you can start doing (today!) to fight middle-aged spread — even if you’re still in your 20s.
Because the sooner you get a headstart, the better.
1) Move more. Studies show that as you get older, you move less — both during your everyday activities and in your workouts.
That’s why it’s so important to start a regular exercise habit with activities you enjoy and find hobbies that keep you active.
2) Keep your muscle. It’s normal to lose muscle as you get older, but it’s not inevitable. With regular strength-building workouts (at least 2x a week), it’s not only possible to KEEP your muscle as you get older, but even REBUILD it.
This helps keep you strong and active, plus it stokes your metabolism.
A qualified coach can help you put together a plan that works for you and your fitness level. [
3) Eat enough protein. As people get older, they often skimp on their protein intake. Aim for 10% to 35% of your total daily calories — and go for the higher side if you’re active.
To make sure you get the MOST out of your protein intake, spread it out over the course of the day since studies show that to be more effective.
4) Make it a lifestyle. As you get older, the way your cells metabolize fuel naturally slows down.
The bad news is there isn’t a lot you can do about this, BUT… studies show this has only a minor impact compared with lower activity and muscle mass!
The best thing you can do is follow a healthy lifestyle: get 7-8 hours of sleep a night, manage your stress levels, stay active, and eat a healthy-whole-foods-based diet.
Remember: it’s not the big steps you take occasionally that have the biggest impact on your health and fitness. It’s the little things you do every single day.
How many calories do you burn every day?
What if I told you there’s ONE number you need to pay attention to BEFORE you start counting calories, macros, or anything else?
For many of us, this number is a complete mystery. But once you figure it out, it’s a complete game-changer.
Ready for it?
It’s your estimated TDEE – aka your Total Daily Energy Expenditure.
In everyday language, it’s how many calories you burn every day.
No matter what your goals are, knowing this number can help you fine-tune your nutrition — and be more intentional with your choices.
- Looking to lose weight? You now have a concrete number to work with to create a deficit.
- Looking to maintain your weight? Knowing your TDEE can help you keep your perfect balance.
- Looking to gain some weight (in the form of muscle)? When you know your numbers, you can do it the healthy “clean” way.
I’ve got a calculator you can use to figure out yours right now.
Here’s the link:
A little tip for using the calculator: A lot of us overestimate our activity level. Read the choices carefully and think about how active you are on most days of the week. 🙂
7 Habits that Wreck Your Metabolism
There are probably a few things in your life that you’d like to slow down…
But when it comes to your metabolism? Probably not.
Unfortunately, there are plenty of sneaky ways we slow our metabolism down — here are 7 of the most common metabolism saboteurs:
1, You don’t eat enough
Your body is smart! When you regularly eat less fuel than you burn, your body can make itself even more efficient by lowering how many calories it needs.
This can happen if 1) you exercise a lot and don’t ramp up your food intake to match it; 2) you undereat every day, or 3) go on a lot of diets.
2. You skip meals
Research shows that eating regular meals throughout the day is linked with a greater “thermic effect of food” – i.e., more calories burned after eating.
Plus, eating on a regular schedule helps your body manage its blood sugar levels, which is a biggie when it comes to your health.
3. You don’t lift weights
Strength training helps boost your metabolism in a couple of different ways.
Over the long run, it helps build muscle, and muscle tissue burns more calories at rest than fat tissue.
But it also has an immediate benefit: it raises your metabolism for hours after your workout is finished.
4. You slack on your sleep
Not getting enough sleep is like a triple whammy on your metabolism.
● When you’re tired you’re not as active, which means a lower daily calorie burn
● You tend to eat more when you’re sleep-deprived because it messes up your hunger hormones and makes you crave high-calorie foods
● Your body has a harder time managing blood sugar levels when you’re low on sleep, which can make you store fat
5. You sit all day
Being sedentary – i.e., not getting up to move around every half-hour or so — is linked with a slower metabolism. Time for that standing desk!
6. You don’t eat enough protein
Not only does protein keep you feeling full after you eat it, but it also helps you build metabolism-boosting muscle.
Plus, digesting it burns more calories than digesting carbs or fat.
Some guidelines: aim for between .73 and 1 gram of protein for every pound of your weight (1.6 and 2.2 grams per kilogram of your weight).
7. You get stressed out a lot
It’s true! Stress can LOWER your metabolism.
An Ohio State University study found that women burned fewer calories after they ate a high-fat meal when they were stressed.
Just another reason it’s so important to have a plan to regularly blow off stress, like working out, meditating, or relaxing hobbies!
How many of those rang a bell for you?
Check yourself (and then correct yourself!)
So… we’re about halfway through 2024 — can you believe it?
For me, that means it’s time for some big questions…
Questions that help me reflect, refocus, and get excited about the rest of the year.
And I hope they’ll do the same for you.
Here are my questions if you want to follow along with me:
- What are you grateful for right now? (I always start my journaling with gratitude to shift my mindset.)
- What big goals did you set for 2024 — and how is your progress going?
- How balanced is your “Wheel of Life”? Rank yourself 1-10 in the following categories: Health, Spiritual, Work/Career, Family, Financial, Personal Growth/Mindset, and Relationships. What needs more attention?
- What’s going well? And what’s not going well? Make sure you journal about “why” for both of these questions.
- What do you want most for the next 6 months? We want to get EXCITED about our future and where we’re headed! Do you need to update your goals? What’s going to get you excited and make you feel fulfilled?
- What needs to happen to make sure that “what you want most” in the next 6 months comes to life? What do you need to do more of? Less of? Write it all down!
Grab a notebook and spend a few minutes journaling about each question above.
Chances are, you’ll be surprised at what you uncover… and come away with fresh energy to build on your momentum over the next six months!
I do this every morning
Want to know a trick to help that’ll help you feel more grounded and focused on your goals?
Something that’ll help you set the tone for the entire rest of the day?
Well, it’s something that I started doing recently that has completely transformed my days — so of course, I had to share it with you!
It’s reading your values and goals every morning.
Here’s why it works…
Ever notice how stretching in the morning feels amazing for your body?
Reading your values does the same thing, except for your mind.
It helps center and refocus you on what truly matters, setting the tone for the day ahead.
By reminding yourself of your values and goals each morning, you’re essentially priming yourself to live in alignment, moving you closer and closer to your goals.
So if you’re looking to recharge your motivation, here’s a simple two-step process to try:
Reflect & Connect: Spend some time thinking about what your values mean to you. Remind yourself of WHY they are important. Let yourself feel it.
Align & Act: Use your values as your North Star to guide your daily decisions and actions. You’ll be amazed at how they can inspire you to be more intentional and purposeful.
And if you’re feeling a bit uninspired… that’s perfectly okay.
It’s natural for our goals and values to evolve over time. But, it’s still important to update and realign them with our current priorities.
I do this every morning From A ST Johns Wood Personal Trainer
Want to know a trick to help that’ll help you feel more grounded and focused on your goals?
Something that’ll help you set the tone for the entire rest of the day?
Well, it’s something that I started doing recently that has completely transformed my days — so of course, I had to share it with you!
It’s reading your values and goals every morning.
Here’s why it works…
Ever notice how stretching in the morning feels amazing for your body?
Reading your values does the same thing, except for your mind.
It helps center and refocus you on what truly matters, setting the tone for the day ahead.
By reminding yourself of your values and goals each morning, you’re essentially priming yourself to live in alignment, moving you closer and closer to your goals.
So if you’re looking to recharge your motivation, here’s a simple two-step process to try:
Reflect & Connect: Spend some time thinking about what your values mean to you. Remind yourself of WHY they are important. Let yourself feel it.
Align & Act: Use your values as your North Star to guide your daily decisions and actions. You’ll be amazed at how they can inspire you to be more intentional and purposeful.
And if you’re feeling a bit uninspired… that’s perfectly okay.
It’s natural for our goals and values to evolve over time. But, it’s still important to update and realign them with our current priorities.
Your Core Values From A St Johns Wood Personal Trainer
When you align your goals and your values
Ever wonder why some goals seem to stick… while others disappear faster than free pizza at a college dorm? 😂
Well, if you’re like most people…
You tend to spend a LOT of time thinking about what you want to achieve…
But a lot LESS time thinking about why these goals really matter.
That’s why this month, we’re going to dive into something that I normally only talk about with clients.
It’s your core values.
Because when your goals and values are in sync, magical things happen!
But when they’re not? That’s when things can start to unravel.
To make sure you’re on the right track…
I’ve got a fun little exercise for you, straight from the minds at Harvard Business School.
So grab a pen and some paper, and let’s dive in!
Step 1: Discover your values
Your values are the things that are most important to you. (Not anyone else!) They’re your North Star.
For each value, write a few sentences about WHY it is so important to you.
Think: health, family, happiness, security, freedom, money, fun, etc.
Step 2: Rank your TOP 2-3 values
Time to narrow it down. From your list, pick the 2-3 values that are the MOST important to you. The ones that make you feel like, “Yes, this is what I stand for!”
Step 3: Define what your values mean to you
👉 Your values guide your decisions.
So using your own words, write down what your top 2-3 values mean to you (which might be different than what they mean to someone else).
Here are a couple of examples:
“Health” — This means taking care of my body with daily movement and fueling it with the proper fuel so I can feel my best and have the energy to make the most of each day. It’s making sure I’m taking care of my mind and spirit, too, not just my body. So, health for me, is all about finding that balance that keeps me feeling whole and happy.” “Fun” — Life is too short not to have fun! It’s about stepping out of my comfort zone, trying new things, and having a sense of adventure. Having fun makes me feel engaged, connected, and more alive!”
Step 4: Put them to work
Now it’s time to ACT in alignment with your values — and use them to recalibrate your day and drive your actions and decisions.
Read them every morning. Post them somewhere you can see them… and when you’re faced with a choice, make the one that aligns with your values!
This is KEY because when life gets in the way…
It’s too easy to set aside the things that mean most to us — unless we’re intentional about it. 🔥
Are you going to give this exercise a try? If you are, reply back and let me know!
Oh, and this is ALSO a great exercise to work on together as a family!
How To Earn Your Sleep From A St Johns Wood Personal Trainer
Here’s something you probably don’t hear very often…
When it comes to reaching your goals, sometimes it helps to do LESS.
Sure having a sense of urgency can help us reach our goals, but our downtime is where a lot of the magic happens.
It’s a lot like building muscle, right?
We need to exercise and challenge our muscles so we can stimulate growth…
But it’s during our rest days when our muscles repair, recover, and get stronger.
As it turns out, our brain works the same way!
It’s great to stimulate and challenge ourselves — but doing less can actually help your brain be more creative and learn new skills.
But here’s the thing… Downtime does NOT mean:
● Scrolling through your phone
● Binge watching TV
● Or even doing a puzzle or reading!
Instead, downtime DOES mean:
● Vacuuming (exciting, I know)
● Going for a walk (without music or a podcast)
● Sitting on the couch and daydreaming
Or any other mindless activity!
The reason is that mindless activities activate your brain’s “default mode network”, which is linked to things like creativity, memories, your sense of “self,” and even ethics.
It’s why when you get stuck on a problem and finally drop it to do something else, the answer pops into your head!
Here are 5 ways to tap into your brain’s “default mode” more often:
- Schedule a few minutes a day to just BE, even if it’s sitting quietly and letting your mind wander or going for a 5-minute walk.
- Use a mindfulness app like Calm or Tripp and follow a quick, guided meditation.
- Notice your surroundings — take note of what colors you see, what sounds you hear, how it feels to sit in your chair, etc.
- Create a designated “worry” time to focus on any issues going on so they don’t seep into the rest of your day.
- Know it will get easier the more you practice! We’re more distracted and overstimulated than ever before, and it can take some time to start feeling comfortable with doing less and letting your mind wander.
It’s all about finding balance…
Especially if you’re feeling overwhelmed or burnt out.
How To Earn Your Sleep From A St Johns Wood Personal Trainer
You know those nights when you slip into bed and the sheets feel soooo good?
Your body is tired, your mind is calm, and you’re perfectly set up for a great night of Zzzs.
It’s the best!
And then there are those nights you go to bed and just can’t get comfortable.
Your muscles are tight from sitting all day, and your mind can’t seem to settle down.
It seems to take FOREVER to fall asleep and when you finally drift off, you toss and turn all night long.
Ugh. Not fun.
Here’s the difference:
The nights you fall asleep easily usually follow the days you did something to EARN that sleep.
When you think about sleep that way, it makes it a whole lot easier to set yourself up for sleep success!
If you don’t make it a point to be physically active — and/or you sit in front of a screen for most of the day — you’re making it harder for your body to get into a good sleep groove.
Here’s how to earn that sleep:
● Be active during the day. Regular exercise doesn’t just boost your health, it sets the stage for deeper sleep. Hit the gym, take a brisk walk, and/or find a reason to move — your body will thank you at bedtime.
● Train your brain. Make it a habit to do activities that give you a mental challenge.
● Release tension. Help ease stress and work out muscle tension with yoga, stretching, or mobility work.
● Eat well. Give your body the right nutrition (in the right amounts!) and plenty of water during the day to keep it functioning at its best.
● Go outside. Natural light and fresh air can improve and help lock in your sleep cycle.
The best and worst nighttime snacks From A St Johns wood Personal Trainer
Like to snack at night?
According to recent research…
● 93% of adults have a snack after dinner at least once a week, according to a 2023 study by Sleep Doctor
● On average, adults snack after dinner about 4 nights a week
● And the most popular nighttime snacks: chips, crackers, and pretzels
So if you enjoy an occasional nighttime snack, you’re not alone!
It’s important that you choose the right snacks.
Even though most people grab something salty, sugary, or crunchy…
The research ALSO says that people who choose more nutritious snacks — like nuts, seeds, and fruit — sleep about 30 more minutes a night than people who eat less nutritious snacks.
So, here’s a quick list of snacks to stay away from at night, if you want better sleep…
Plus a few healthier options you’ll want to keep on hand when those cravings hit!
Here’s what to skip:
● Avoid high-calorie snacks with a lot of added sugar, sodium, or refined grains
● Spicy and heavy foods before bed can lead to heartburn or acid reflux — as can eating big portions
● Some chocolate snacks contain hidden caffeine, making it harder to fall asleep
● coffee, and alcohol also can interfere with a good night of sleep
And now here are some snacks that may actually HELP you sleep…
Banana with Almond Butter
They both have magnesium, which works on the cellular level to regulate your body’s timekeeping system. PLUS, bananas are also rich in potassium which can boost sleep quality (especially for women).
Protein Smoothie
Drinking a whey or casein-based protein shake before bed can help boost protein synthesis, which we need for muscle growth and repair.
Oatmeal contains magnesium AND the sleep hormone melatonin. You can add even more “oomph” to your oatmeal by stirring in a half-scoop of protein powder.
Many fruits contain vitamins, minerals, amino acids, and other compounds that help you sleep better. For example, pineapple, oranges, goji berries, and cherries can boost melatonin levels — and a lot of them are rich in potassium, too.
Nuts and Seeds
Unsalted raw nuts and seeds — pistachios, pepitas, sesame seeds, cashews, walnuts, etc., — are loaded with sleep-friendly compounds like the amino acid tryptophan as well as melatonin, potassium, and magnesium.
If you’re surprised by some of these, don’t worry…
Almost none of us are taught this in school!
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