
I do this every morning From A ST Johns Wood Personal Trainer

Want to know a trick to help that’ll help you feel more grounded and focused on your goals?


Something that’ll help you set the tone for the entire rest of the day?


Well, it’s something that I started doing recently that has completely transformed my days — so of course, I had to share it with you!


It’s reading your values and goals every morning.


Here’s why it works…


Ever notice how stretching in the morning feels amazing for your body?


Reading your values does the same thing, except for your mind.


It helps center and refocus you on what truly matters, setting the tone for the day ahead.


By reminding yourself of your values and goals each morning, you’re essentially priming yourself to live in alignment, moving you closer and closer to your goals.


So if you’re looking to recharge your motivation, here’s a simple two-step process to try:


Reflect & Connect: Spend some time thinking about what your values mean to you. Remind yourself of WHY they are important. Let yourself feel it.


Align & Act: Use your values as your North Star to guide your daily decisions and actions. You’ll be amazed at how they can inspire you to be more intentional and purposeful.


And if you’re feeling a bit uninspired… that’s perfectly okay.


It’s natural for our goals and values to evolve over time. But, it’s still important to update and realign them with our current priorities.

Your Core Values From A St Johns Wood Personal Trainer

When you align your goals and your values


Ever wonder why some goals seem to stick… while others disappear faster than free pizza at a college dorm? 😂


Well, if you’re like most people…


You tend to spend a LOT of time thinking about what you want to achieve…


But a lot LESS time thinking about why these goals really matter.


That’s why this month, we’re going to dive into something that I normally only talk about with clients.


It’s your core values.


Because when your goals and values are in sync, magical things happen!


But when they’re not? That’s when things can start to unravel.


To make sure you’re on the right track…


I’ve got a fun little exercise for you, straight from the minds at Harvard Business School.


So grab a pen and some paper, and let’s dive in!


Step 1: Discover your values


Your values are the things that are most important to you. (Not anyone else!) They’re your North Star.


For each value, write a few sentences about WHY it is so important to you.


Think: health, family, happiness, security, freedom, money, fun, etc.


Step 2: Rank your TOP 2-3 values


Time to narrow it down. From your list, pick the 2-3 values that are the MOST important to you. The ones that make you feel like, “Yes, this is what I stand for!”


Step 3: Define what your values mean to you


👉 Your values guide your decisions.


So using your own words, write down what your top 2-3 values mean to you (which might be different than what they mean to someone else).


Here are a couple of examples:

“Health” — This means taking care of my body with daily movement and fueling it with the proper fuel so I can feel my best and have the energy to make the most of each day. It’s making sure I’m taking care of my mind and spirit, too, not just my body. So, health for me, is all about finding that balance that keeps me feeling whole and happy.” “Fun” — Life is too short not to have fun! It’s about stepping out of my comfort zone, trying new things, and having a sense of adventure. Having fun makes me feel engaged, connected, and more alive!”


Step 4: Put them to work


Now it’s time to ACT in alignment with your values — and use them to recalibrate your day and drive your actions and decisions.


Read them every morning. Post them somewhere you can see them… and when you’re faced with a choice, make the one that aligns with your values!


This is KEY because when life gets in the way…


It’s too easy to set aside the things that mean most to us — unless we’re intentional about it. 🔥


Are you going to give this exercise a try? If you are, reply back and let me know!


Oh, and this is ALSO a great exercise to work on together as a family!

How To Earn Your Sleep From A St Johns Wood Personal Trainer

Here’s something you probably don’t hear very often…


When it comes to reaching your goals, sometimes it helps to do LESS.


Sure having a sense of urgency can help us reach our goals, but our downtime is where a lot of the magic happens.


It’s a lot like building muscle, right?


We need to exercise and challenge our muscles so we can stimulate growth…


But it’s during our rest days when our muscles repair, recover, and get stronger.


As it turns out, our brain works the same way!


It’s great to stimulate and challenge ourselves — but doing less can actually help your brain be more creative and learn new skills.


But here’s the thing… Downtime does NOT mean:


●      Scrolling through your phone

●      Binge watching TV

●      Or even doing a puzzle or reading!


Instead, downtime DOES mean:


●      Vacuuming (exciting, I know)

●      Going for a walk (without music or a podcast)

●      Sitting on the couch and daydreaming


Or any other mindless activity!


The reason is that mindless activities activate your brain’s “default mode network”, which is linked to things like creativity, memories, your sense of “self,” and even ethics.


It’s why when you get stuck on a problem and finally drop it to do something else, the answer pops into your head!


Here are 5 ways to tap into your brain’s “default mode” more often:


  1. Schedule a few minutes a day to just BE, even if it’s sitting quietly and letting your mind wander or going for a 5-minute walk.
  2. Use a mindfulness app like Calm or Tripp and follow a quick, guided meditation.
  3. Notice your surroundings — take note of what colors you see, what sounds you hear, how it feels to sit in your chair, etc.
  4. Create a designated “worry” time to focus on any issues going on so they don’t seep into the rest of your day.
  5. Know it will get easier the more you practice! We’re more distracted and overstimulated than ever before, and it can take some time to start feeling comfortable with doing less and letting your mind wander.


It’s all about finding balance…


Especially if you’re feeling overwhelmed or burnt out.

How To Earn Your Sleep From A St Johns Wood Personal Trainer

You know those nights when you slip into bed and the sheets feel soooo good?


Your body is tired, your mind is calm, and you’re perfectly set up for a great night of Zzzs.


It’s the best!


And then there are those nights you go to bed and just can’t get comfortable.


Your muscles are tight from sitting all day, and your mind can’t seem to settle down.


It seems to take FOREVER to fall asleep and when you finally drift off, you toss and turn all night long.


Ugh. Not fun.


Here’s the difference:


The nights you fall asleep easily usually follow the days you did something to EARN that sleep.


When you think about sleep that way, it makes it a whole lot easier to set yourself up for sleep success!


If you don’t make it a point to be physically active — and/or you sit in front of a screen for most of the day — you’re making it harder for your body to get into a good sleep groove.


Here’s how to earn that sleep:


●      Be active during the day. Regular exercise doesn’t just boost your health, it sets the stage for deeper sleep. Hit the gym, take a brisk walk, and/or find a reason to move — your body will thank you at bedtime.

●      Train your brain. Make it a habit to do activities that give you a mental challenge.

●      Release tension. Help ease stress and work out muscle tension with yoga, stretching, or mobility work.

●      Eat well. Give your body the right nutrition (in the right amounts!) and plenty of water during the day to keep it functioning at its best.

●      Go outside. Natural light and fresh air can improve and help lock in your sleep cycle.

The best and worst nighttime snacks From A St Johns wood Personal Trainer

Like to snack at night?


According to recent research…


●      93% of adults have a snack after dinner at least once a week, according to a 2023 study by Sleep Doctor

●      On average, adults snack after dinner about 4 nights a week

●      And the most popular nighttime snacks: chips, crackers, and pretzels


So if you enjoy an occasional nighttime snack, you’re not alone!




It’s important that you choose the right snacks.

Even though most people grab something salty, sugary, or crunchy…


The research ALSO says that people who choose more nutritious snacks — like nuts, seeds, and fruit — sleep about 30 more minutes a night than people who eat less nutritious snacks.


So, here’s a quick list of snacks to stay away from at night, if you want better sleep…


Plus a few healthier options you’ll want to keep on hand when those cravings hit!


Here’s what to skip:


●      Avoid high-calorie snacks with a lot of added sugar, sodium, or refined grains

●      Spicy and heavy foods before bed can lead to heartburn or acid reflux — as can eating big portions

●      Some chocolate snacks contain hidden caffeine, making it harder to fall asleep

●       coffee, and alcohol also can interfere with a good night of sleep


And now here are some snacks that may actually HELP you sleep…


Banana with Almond Butter

They both have magnesium, which works on the cellular level to regulate your body’s timekeeping system. PLUS, bananas are also rich in potassium which can boost sleep quality (especially for women).


Protein Smoothie

Drinking a whey or casein-based protein shake before bed can help boost protein synthesis, which we need for muscle growth and repair.



Oatmeal contains magnesium AND the sleep hormone melatonin. You can add even more “oomph” to your oatmeal by stirring in a half-scoop of protein powder.



Many fruits contain vitamins, minerals, amino acids, and other compounds that help you sleep better. For example, pineapple, oranges, goji berries, and cherries can boost melatonin levels — and a lot of them are rich in potassium, too.


Nuts and Seeds

Unsalted raw nuts and seeds — pistachios, pepitas, sesame seeds, cashews, walnuts, etc., — are loaded with sleep-friendly compounds like the amino acid tryptophan as well as melatonin, potassium, and magnesium.


If you’re surprised by some of these, don’t worry…


Almost none of us are taught this in school!

Earn Your Sleep From. A St Johns wood Personal Trainer

You know those nights when you slip into bed and the sheets feel soooo good?


Your body is tired, your mind is calm, and you’re perfectly set up for a great night of Zzzs.


It’s the best!


And then there are those nights you go to bed and just can’t get comfortable.


Your muscles are tight from sitting all day, and your mind can’t seem to settle down.


It seems to take FOREVER to fall asleep and when you finally drift off, you toss and turn all night long.


Ugh. Not fun.


Here’s the difference:


The nights you fall asleep easily usually follow the days you did something to EARN that sleep.


When you think about sleep that way, it makes it a whole lot easier to set yourself up for sleep success!


If you don’t make it a point to be physically active — and/or you sit in front of a screen for most of the day — you’re making it harder for your body to get into a good sleep groove.


Here’s how to earn that sleep:


●      Be active during the day. Regular exercise doesn’t just boost your health, it sets the stage for deeper sleep. Hit the gym, take a brisk walk, and/or find a reason to move — your body will thank you at bedtime.

●      Train your brain. Make it a habit to do activities that give you a mental challenge.

●      Release tension. Help ease stress and work out muscle tension with yoga, stretching, or mobility work.

●      Eat well. Give your body the right nutrition (in the right amounts!) and plenty of water during the day to keep it functioning at its best.

●      Go outside. Natural light and fresh air can improve and help lock in your sleep cycle.


If you’re looking at this list thinking, “But I’m too tired to do all of that!”, I can help you find the best place to start.


It doesn’t have to be complicated…


It just has to be consistent!

4 clean-eating freezer tips From A St Johns wood Personal Trainer

Let’s talk about a powerhouse tool in your kitchen: your freezer!


It can be a HUGE asset when it comes to meal planning, prepping, and storage…


EVEN if you’re one of those people who doesn’t like leftovers!


Here are 4 ways you can use your freezer to make healthy eating even easier.


4 Clean-Eating Freezer Tips:


1. Make Smoothie Packs.

●      Place your favorite smoothie ingredients in a freezer bag and pop it into the freezer.

●      When you’re ready for a smoothie, just grab a pack, add liquid, protein powder,            and any other add-ins you want, and blend!

2. Pre-Portioned Protein Packs.

●      If you live in a small household, this tip is a biggie because it’ll help you save money, avoid waste, and always be ready for a healthy meal.

●      Divide chicken, fish, or tofu into single servings and freeze them.

●      Just reheat it when you’re ready to eat!

●      If you have a vacuum sealer, this is a great way to put it to use.


3. Homemade Soup & Stew Blocks.

●      Leftover soup or stew? Pour it into muffin tins and freeze.

●      Once solid, pop them out and place them in freezer bags.

●      On busy days, this makes for the perfect homemade “heat and serve” meal.


4. Freeze Cooked Whole Grains.

●      Cook grains like brown rice or quinoa in bulk and then freeze them in portions — the muffin tin idea works great here, too.

●      They reheat beautifully and help with portion control.


One of the biggest stumbling blocks when it comes to using your freezer is forgetting what’s in there!


Pro Tip 1: Label everything with the date and contents — even the items you’re sure you’ll remember later.

Pro Tip 2: Keep an inventory list outside your freezer. This way, you know what’s inside without opening the door and letting the cold air escape.


Not only will these hacks help you keep healthy food on hand, but they’ll also make meal prep a ton easier!



What to eat before & after your workout From A St Johns Wood Personal Trainer

Did you know that what you eat before and after your workouts can affect your recovery time, workout efficiency, and even your muscle growth?


It’s true.


I even recommend keeping track of how certain foods make your body feel pre- and post-workout.


To help you get started, here’s my simple pre- and post-workout meal formula!




→ 30-60 minutes before your workout, eat a small snack with a 3:1 ratio of carbs to protein.



●      1 slice sprouted grain bread (carb) with a little sliced turkey (protein)

●      ½ cup brown rice (carbs) with a bit of grilled chicken (protein)

●      1 medium apple (carbs) with a tablespoon of almond butter (protein & fat)




→ 30-45 minutes after your workout, go for a 2:1 ratio of carbs to protein.



●      Greek yogurt (protein) with a handful of berries (carbs)

●      A smoothie made with your favorite unsweetened low-fat milk, with 1 cup of berries (carbs) and a scoop of whey protein (protein)

●      4 oz of salmon (protein) with ½ cup of sweet potatoes (carbs)


Those portion sizes are “guestimates.”


The right portion size for you depends on your gender, size, and how long and intense your workout is — a heavy weight-training session will require more fuel than a less-intense workout.


As a general rule, think “tiny meal” before your workout and “moderate meal” afterward!

Do this when you get home from shopping From A St Johns Wood Personal Trainer

Want to stop wasting food and start making the most out of your grocery hauls?


If you find that your fruits, veggies, and herbs tend to go bad before you can use them…


I have 3 “post-grocery-shopping” tips you’re going to love.




1. Freeze your greens: If you’re a smoothie drinker -– or your greens tend to go bad before you can use them up — freeze them! Here’s how:

●      Wash and completely dry your greens, and remove any tough stems.

●      Spread them out in a single layer on a baking sheet and place them in the freezer for a couple of hours.

●      Transfer to freezer bags and remove as much air as possible before closing.

●      Pop them in the freezer until it’s time for your smoothie.

●      NOTE: It’s normal for the greens to crumble after freezing — but as a bonus, they will blend more easily!


2. Store herbs in olive oil:

●      Wash them, chop them up, put them in an ice cube tray, and cover them with oil.

●      Place the tray in the freezer and after it’s frozen through, pop out the “cubes” and put in a freezer bag — make sure you label it with what’s inside.

●      Next time you need a flavor boost while you’re cooking, just drop in a cube!


3. Batch cook grains: As soon as you get home, cook up a pot of quinoa, farro, or other healthy carb. Store in the fridge for easy, quick additions to meals during the week.

TIP: If you don’t have a rice cooker, think about getting one. They are a grain-cooking game changer.


And here’s a bonus tip you can’t skip!


🥬 If you normally wash and dry your produce as soon as you get home, you can STOP doing this ASAP.


Instead, wash your veggies and fruits just before you use them!


This helps your produce stay fresh longer — plus, waiting to wash it till just before you use it can wash off any bacteria that it picked up while being stored.


Pretty cool, right?


If you didn’t know these tips already, don’t worry. Most people don’t!

Top 5 Metabolism-Boosting Superfoods From A St Johns Wood Personal Trainer

I get asked a ton of questions about food… what to eat, when to eat, etc., etc.


Usually my answer is that you really can’t go wrong with whole “real” foods — the kinds of foods that don’t come from a manufacturer and that don’t have a long list of ingredients.


But some foods can give you an extra “edge” when it comes to specific goals…


Like this list of foods that can help you boost your metabolism!


How many of these do you eat (or drink) regularly?


5 Metabolism-Boosting Superfoods

  1. Lean Meat (turkey, bison, chicken) Not only does protein-rich meat help you build and maintain your muscle, but it can boost your metabolic rate by 15–30% because it takes your body more work to digest it.
  2. Fish and seafood Yes, fish and seafood are packed with protein that gives them all the benefits of lean meat — but they also contain key nutrients that support your thyroid! Your thyroid plays a huge role in your metabolism.
  3. Legumes (beans, lentils, chickpeas, etc.) A great plant-based source of protein, legumes also contain resistant starch, a special type of prebiotic fiber that feeds the good bacteria in your gut. These bacteria create short-chain fatty acids that can help your body use stored fat for energy.
  4. Nuts and seeds (almonds, walnuts, pepitas, chia seeds, etc.) Even though they’re small, nuts and seeds are loaded with metabolism-boosting goodness: protein, healthy fats, fiber, essential nutrients, and antioxidants. Just remember, a serving = the size of your thumb.
  5. Coffee and Tea The caffeine in both of these beverages temporarily raises your metabolic rate and it may also help your body burn fat. Plus, tea contains catechins, a compound that teams up with caffeine to further boost your metabolism. Extra credit: both oolong and matcha green tea may contain special fat-burning compounds and may also help you burn extra calories during your workouts.

Remember: it’s not about aiming for a “perfect” diet, but about making healthy choices that support your goals AND your lifestyle!