
When you eat better but feel worse From A St Johns Wood Personal Trainer


I remember the very first time I cleaned up my diet.


I felt like crud. I had a headache, my stomach wasn’t happy, and I was (to say the least) super grouchy.


The good news is, those feelings went away pretty quickly.


But the fact is, feeling a little “off” after changing your diet is pretty common, and it can catch you by surprise ….


Because how could you feel worse when you are taking steps to feel better?


If it happens to you, here are a few possible causes:

●      Detox symptoms: When you change the way you eat, your body has to get used to it. This can cause headaches, fatigue, and irritability. The good news is, this is usually temporary and you’ll start feeling better as your body gets used to the new foods.

●      More fiber than you’re used to: If you have been eating a low-fiber diet and suddenly start loading up on it, it can take your digestive system a while to adjust. Try gradually increasing the amount of fiber you eat instead of making big changes.

●      Dehydration: It’s important to drink enough water throughout the day (especially if you boost your fiber). If you’re not getting enough fluids, you might start to feel worse.

●      Lack of planning: It can be harder to stick to a healthy diet if you’re not planning and preparing your meals in advance! This can make it harder to eat enough food and/or eat balanced meals.


Just keep in mind that it takes time for your body to get used to a new way of eating.


Also: If it keeps up, check in with your healthcare provider!

Why do “bad” foods taste so good From A St Johns Wood Personal Trainer

Have you ever noticed that foods that aren’t exactly “good” for you seem to taste amazing?


It’s kind of like Mother Nature is playing a practical joke… but there are a few reasons this happens.


  1. Many “crave-worthy” foods are loaded with sugar, salt, fat, and empty calories.
  2. Our brains are hardwired to crave tasty, high-energy (aka high-calorie) foods because they help us survive when food is scarce. (Except for most of us, food isn’t scarce anymore — so we have to be careful not to overeat these foods.)
  3. Manufacturers spend a LOT of time and money making these foods as delicious as possible – and also on ads to entice us. It’s no surprise that some of these foods are hard to resist!


So if you find yourself craving these foods, that’s by design!


I’m sharing this with you because I believe knowledge is power — and keeping this in mind helps me keep my own food choices in check!


According to the National Academy of Sciences, people eat too many calories, saturated fats, trans fats, and added sugars; too much sodium; and not enough vitamin D, calcium, potassium, or fiber.


Here’s the kicker: the top causes of death (heart disease, diabetes, some types of cancer, etc.) are strongly associated with our food choices!


Now, I am all for moderation (80%-90% healthy foods, 10%-20% “extras”) … but I also know that walking that tightrope can be a real challenge sometimes!


It’s time to discover just how GREAT you can feel!

Committed to your health,


Have you ever said this From A ST Johns Wood Personal Trainer



Here’s a trap almost everyone has fallen into at one point or another…


Have you ever heard yourself say (maybe only to yourself):

“When [insert anything you are waiting/hoping for] happens, I’ll start focusing more on my fitness/health”?


It could be when …


  • the weekend is over
  • your schedule eases up
  • the seasons change
  • your kids reach a certain age
  • and on and on and on!


Author Bill Phillips once said…


“If you wait until everything in your life is perfect before you begin something challenging and new, you’ll be waiting forever. The best time is now.”


In other words, stop waiting!


If you keep waiting for the planets to align to get started — because you think it will be easier or somehow “better” — you are robbing yourself of how good you could feel RIGHT NOW!


Remember: It’s not about being perfect. It’s about taking small, imperfect steps in the direction of your goal.


What step can you take today?


Even if it’s something that takes just 2-5 minutes.


Tell yourself it’s “go” time … and go get it done!


I know you can do it.

In the middle of a hard workout, what do you do?

When you are in the middle of a workout and it starts to get hard, what do you do?


  1. Say, “Well, I guess I’ve reached my limit today,” and stop
  2. Ask yourself, “Why is this so hard for me? I’m in terrible shape. Why do I even try?”
  3. Tell yourself, “Bring it on. This is where I SHINE and when it counts the most!”


Here’s another example:


Over the past few days, you’ve been swapping out your not-so-healthy snack with healthier choices. Suddenly you are hit with a MAJOR craving for cookies — but you’re not even that hungry. What do you do?


  1. Say, “I’m just going to eat the cookies anyway because life is short and who cares.”
  2. Ask yourself, “Why I am so weak? There must be something wrong with me to get all of these cravings.”
  3. Tell yourself, “I’ve got this! This is a chance to show my old cookie habit who the real boss is around here!”


Here’s a sneaky secret about both of those scenarios that very few coaches are willing to talk about.


Making changes – even healthy changes — can be HARD sometimes.


It’s because you’re moving out of your comfort zone … which is a good thing!


“You never change your life until you step out of your comfort zone; change begins at the end of your comfort zone.” ― Roy T. Bennett


It’s a sign you’re making REAL progress. Not just physically, but also mentally.


And things WILL get easier. And easier. And easier.


And soon you won’t even have to think about it that much … because it’ll become a HABIT.

Posture & Digestion From a ST Johns Wood Personal Trainer

Good Afternoon


We’re getting a little personal today, but we can’t talk about core strength without today’s topic: digestion!


You might not realize it, but your posture (and core strength) have a HUGE impact on how you digest your food.


Here’s how:


1. Heartburn & Sluggish Digestion


Slouching after you eat can cause pressure in your abdomen, which can trigger acid reflux – which is when stomach acid squirts back up into your esophagus. This can cause heartburn.


Plus, there’s some evidence that slouching can slow down your intestines as food and waste move through your system.


2. Incontinence

Slouching can also increase the pressure inside your abdomen, which puts pressure on your bladder.


On top of that, hunching over makes it harder for your pelvic floor muscles to stand up against that pressure, which can lead to urine leaks.


3. Pooping


I told you we were going to get personal! The thing is, sluggish digestion can lead to constipation, bloating, and gas.


Your posture also plays a surprising role during bowel movements. Slouching can make it harder to go and may be linked with constipation – and even hemorrhoids if you strain.


Sitting with a neutral spine (think about elongating through your sides) and tipping forward slightly from the hips can help ease the “go.” So can placing your feet on a footstool so that your knees are higher than your hips (similar to squatting).


Just a few reasons to think about keeping your core strong, stable, and aligned!

Core Strength Test From A St Johns Wood Personal Trainer

Want an easy way to test your core strength and endurance? Let’s do it!


Proper form is EVERYTHING in this test, so before you start, make sure you know how to get into (and hold!) a perfect plank position.


You can get a form check from an experienced coach who can walk you through it, but a DIY way is to set up a video camera before you do the test so that you can see your form yourself.


Your only goal? Hold your perfect plank as long as possible.


Here are the details:


Get into a forearm plank position so that your upper body weight is supported by your elbows and your legs by your toes.


You can get into this position by lying on the floor on your stomach, and then pushing your body up so that your elbows are on the floor below your shoulders, and your forearms are extending straight out in front of you (hands not touching).


Your hips should be off the floor so that your body forms a straight line from your head to your heels – your face should be looking toward the floor.


As soon as you get into this position, start a timer, and hold your plank as long as you can with good form. Don’t let your hips rise or fall, or your shoulders hunch or sag. Also, be sure to breathe!


Your test is done when your form starts to suffer.


Here are the scores:

  • Less than 15 seconds – Very Poor
  • 15-30 seconds – Poor
  • 30-60 seconds – Below average
  • 1-2 minutes – Average
  • 2-4 minutes – Above Average
  • 4-6 minutes – Very good
  • Longer than 6 minutes – Excellent/Elite


How did you do

Is your posture making you stressed From A ST Johns Wood Personal Trainer

Do you slouch because you’re stressed… or are you stressed because you’re slouching?


The answer might make you want to sit up straight right now!


The other day, I came across a study that said not only does your posture affect your physical body (muscles, core, joints, etc)…


It can also affect your mood.


The study, published in the journal Health Psychology, found a significant link between how you sit and your mood, your stress level, and even your self-esteem!



The details?


74 study participants either slouched or sat upright during reading and speech assignments. They were then assessed for their mood, self-esteem, and whether they felt any perceived threats.


The people who sat upright showed higher self-esteem, a better mood, and less fear than the people who slumped.


Unsurprisingly, the “slouchers” showed more negativity and less resilience to stress.


Interesting, right?


It just goes to show you, your small everyday actions — like how you sit — can play a huge role in how you feel not just physically, but also mentally and emotionally!


The next time you feel yourself slouching, take a second to adjust your posture (and a few relaxing breaths) and see if you feel a difference.


(Hint: you will!)

5 Reasons to Hit the Gym in the AM From A St Johns wood Personal Trainer

Reason #1 To Hit The Gym in the AM: You’re in a Healthy Headspace

When the first thing you do with your day is exercise, it does something to your mental state. Instead of thoughtlessly taking a bite of high-carb, high-sugar, low-energy food during the day, you’re very conscious about what you put into your body. After all, you woke up early to get this body in tip-top shape. No reason to waste your early-morning routine. On top of better food choices, you’re more likely to find opportunities to take a quick walk during the day when you start your day out right.

Reason #2 To Hit The Gym in the AM: You’ll Need Less Caffeine

Feel like you spend most of your day travelling from your desk to the coffee machine? Get up earlier and work out and watch your need for liquid energy decrease. Sure, you may still enjoy a cup or two—you may even need a cup on the way to the gym, but hitting the gym early in the morning will give you an added boost of energy and mental clarity without caffeine.

Reason #3 To Hit The Gym in the AM: You’ll Have Privacy

Spend much time working out at lunchtime, and you know how frustrating it is to wait around for a weight machine or treadmill. Want to use every minute in the gym to push your body to its limit? Then stop waiting for the bench by getting in when everyone else is fast asleep. As an added perk, you won’t have to avoid that guy who always wants to talk when you’re trying to focus on your next rep. He’ll be in dreamland, far away from the gym.

Reason #4 To Hit The Gym in the AM: You’re Ready for Work

On top of being more health-minded, you’ll find yourself feeling more confident after an early-morning workout. Big client flying in for a meeting? No problem. You just conquered a pre-dawn workout, showered all your sweat off, and ate a healthy, protein-rich breakfast. That little meeting is no problem, so bring it on!

Reason #5 To Hit The Gym in the AM: You’ll Stick with It

Nighttime fun isn’t the only reason you skip exercise. In fact, more often than not, a late night at the office or taking the kids to soccer practice does in your routine. So if you want to meet your goals in the gym, get started on your routine in the morning, before your day gets started.

Don’t do this if you want to reach your goals From A St Johns Wood Personal Trainer

You know I like to focus on the positive, right?


Well,  I’m going to tell you how NOT to reach your goals this year.


Because there’s one big mistake you can make that can push you into a HUGE trap – and you’ll end up feeling frustrated, burned out, and like a quitter.


Here’s how it happens:


You set some HUGE goals for the New Year (yay!!!!).


Starting NOW, you will finally get your you-know-what together.


You’ll drink ALL the water … eat super-clean food (and journal every bite) … be extra active … go to bed early … and get up even EARLIER.


But then a few days later you’re exhausted. You decide to sleep in … and you miss a workout … and then eat some cookies or crisps and decide not to journal your food anymore, because what’s the point?


That one day “off track” turns into two. Which turns into three. And … you know how it goes.


And that’s when it happens – you give up (boooo!).


It’s not because you lack the willpower or the drive. It’s because you overcommitted, or tried to do too much!


This is why coaches and trainers talk about SMART goals (specific, measurable, attainable, realistic, and time-sensitive).


They take all your big awesome goals and boil them down into bite-sized chunks that you can actually accomplish without feeling exhausted, overwhelmed, and like quitting!

Do you eat enough protein? From A St Johns Wood Personal Trainer

Protein is the secret to a supercharged metabolism because protein FEEDS lean muscle.

Lean muscle is responsible for a strong sexy posture and lean muscle burns 3 times as many calories at rest as fat does.

This means that the more lean muscle you have the more calories you burn…

If you want to get or stay lean you MUST make protein a priority. Here are 3 ways to do this every single day:

Step 1. Set a protein GOAL

To keep things very simple you should be aiming for just under 1 gram of protein per pound of desired bodyweight. So, for example if you currently weigh 150 pounds but your goal weight is 130 pounds — you should be aiming to hit about 120 grams of protein per day.

When deciding where to use your calories in a day make sure you always prioritize protein these means every single meal should include a high-quality lean protein — pick your protein first then look at your remaining calories for fat and carbohydrates.

Step 2. Two Shakes a Day

One of the best ways to prioritize protein is to get in the habit of drinking two protein shakes a day. One scoop of high-quality protein powder has around 25grams of protein that feeds lean muscle!

Step 3. Cook with it 

Now if you follow step one you know that every meal should have protein as the priority… but there is one thing you may not have thought of.

Make your desserts protein rich! A good nutrition program plans for sweets and this is no different!

Don’t forget that a challenging and consistent exercise plan is half of the equation when it comes to losing weight, getting fit and feeling great! That’s where I come in…

I would love to be your fitness coach. Together we will get you to your goals with my results-driven method.

Simply call or email me today to set up your first workout.