Are you ready for the next level From A St Johns Wood Personal Trainer?
You are at the starting line of a brand new Year. The air is charged with possibility. Opportunity is all around you…
This decade will inevitably pass quickly. In a flash, it will be gone, and you will be 8 years older than you are today. Other than 8 more trips around the sun, what do you want to claim at the end of this decade?
It’s time for you to stick your neck out and to go to the next level. You know exactly what that means, you’voe thought about it. You feel the uncomfortable pinch of your status quo. You ready for the next level.
Follow these 4 steps right up to the next level…
#1 Paint the Picture. First, figure out what the next level looks like.
What is the ONE THING that you are the most uncomfortable with in your life right now? What MUST improve? If you achieved WHAT then 2022 would be a success?
It popped up in your mind just a moment ago, and you brushed it aside. Not THAT dream, that’s too unrealistic. Right? That’s TOO BIG to achieve.
Now you’re on to something. This idaea that’s floating around in your mind, that’s the one. You know it’s the one, that’s why you’re so afraid of it. Instead of brushing it aside, go with it.
Dedicate a full hour focusing on what the next level looks like for you. Make sure that you are free of distractions so that you give this brainstorm your full attention. Get very detailed. Imagine that you are a painter creating the image of your next level in your mind. The more details that you can put on the canvas, the better.
Don’t hold yourself back during this step. No dream is too big. Go with your thoughts.
#2 Draw up Plans. Second, figure out how you’ll get there.
You may question how on earth you’re going to achieve the big audacious goals that you mentally painted in step one. That’s normal. The cool thing is that you hold the answer to the HOW just as you held the answer to the WHAT. You simply need to find it.
Pull out a pen and a notepad and start writing.
List out the big obvious steps first. If your goal is to write a book, then the first obvious step is to determine the topic of your book. If your goal is to quit your job and start your own business, then the first obvious step is to determine the type of business that you’ll own. If your goal is to lose weight and look amazing in a bathing suit, then the first obvious step is to determine the diet and exercise plan that you’ll do.
Write up a plan for yourself using all of the knowledge that you currently have access to. Considering adding people in as resources to help you determine the steps that you aren’t yet clear on.
If you know someone who has written a book, or started a business, or lost the weight and kept it off, then set up a time to speak with them. Which leads us to step #3…
#3 Make it Real. Third, expose yourself to it.
Spending time with someone who has gotten to the next level where you aim to go is a way of making your goal seem real. They were once where you are today and now they are where you want to be. It doesn’t get more real than that.
If your next level contains a physical place then start spending time there.
As much as you expose yourself to people and places at the next level, spend even more time making it real in your mind. Your mind is a powerful place and what you feed it can affect you in a powerful way.
Flood your imagination with thoughts of life at a new level. Picture your daily routine, imagine what you look like, feel the satisfaction of the accomplishment.
The more real the picture in your mind become, the more likely you will achieve it. And the less likely you are to give up…
#4 Don’t Give Up. Fourth and finally, don’t let up until you’voe arrived.
This is the simplest step of all, and yet it is the step where most people fail.
Keep working towards your goal until it is achieved. Just keep working. Even when it’s hard. Even when it’s frustrating. Even when you hit a roadblock. And then another roadblock.
Here’s a secret that the next level doesn’t want you to know…the only way for you to lose is if you GIVE UP. If you refuse to give up then you’ll keep gaining on that next level, one inch at a time.
Here’s to making this an EPIC DECADE in your journey!
Here’s how goals are met From A St Johns Wood Personal Trainer
Do you have unmet goals?
You aren’t alone. In fact, most of us live with unfulfilled aspirations, which is why the self-help industry is booming.
Unfortunately, many widely used self-help techniques fail to deliver results.
Case in point: You’ve probably heard of the “Yale Goal Study” where researchers were said to have interviewed the graduating Yale seniors in 1953, asking whether or not the students had written down specific goals that they wanted to achieve. Then twenty years down the road the researchers looked up each student and discovered that the 3% of the class who had written down their goals had accumulated more personal wealth than the other 97% combined.
Very compelling story, but complete fiction.
The “Yale Goal Study” never happened, though motivational speakers and self-help books have quoted it for years.
Best selling author and psychologist Richard Wiseman went on a mission to craft a no-nonsense response to the bogus self-help techniques. Using a diverse range of scientific data he uncovered a proven approach to achieve any goal.
The following 5 successful techniques (Do This) and 5 unsuccessful techniques (Not That) are from Wiseman’s book, 59 Seconds Change Your Life in Under a Minute.
Do This: Make a Step-by-Step Plan.
If you are serious about achieving your goal, then you need to create a step-by-step plan on how to do it.
Successful goal-achievers break down their overall goal into sub-goals. Each sub-goal needs to be concrete, measurable and time-based.
Not That: Motivate yourself by focusing on someone that you admire.
Studies show that focusing on someone you admire is not a strong enough motivator to see you through your goal.
Do This: Tell Other People About Your Goal.
How badly do you want to achieve your goal? If you want it bad enough, you’ll tell your friends and family.
This technique works on two levels. First, you’ve put yourself on the spot by letting the world in on your goal, so it’s all-eyes-on-you. Failure would be public. Second, your friends and family are there to offer support and encouragement. Don’t underestimate the psychological power of having someone in your corner.
Not That: Think about the bad things.
When you focus on the negative it becomes your reality.
Do This: Focus on the Good Things When Achieving Your Goal.
Remind yourself of the benefits associated with achieving your goal.
Make a checklist of how life will be better once you have achieved your aim. This gets your focus on a positive future, one that’s worth the effort.
Not That: Try to suppress unhelpful thoughts.
Rather than trying to erase that image of chocolate cake from your mind, learn to deal with the reality of temptation head-on.
Do This: Reward Your Progress.
Studies show that attaching rewards to each of your sub-goals encourages success.
Your rewards should never conflict with your major goal. When aiming to lose weight, never use food as a reward.
Not That: Rely on willpower.
Willpower alone rarely gets anyone to their goal.
Do This: Record Your Progress.
Make your plans, progress, benefits and rewards concrete by expressing them in writing.
Use a hand-written journal, your computer or a bulletin board to chart your progress. This process is priceless for maintaining motivation.
Not That: Fantasize about life after achieving your goal.
Daydreaming is fun, but simply fantasizing about your new life will not make it a reality.
Are you ready to achieve your fitness and weight loss goal once and for all? Call or email me now to get started on the process that will put an end to your yo-yo dieting and your fat jeans.
Now is your time to get into the best shape of your life.
Let’s simplify your fat loss From A St Johns Wood Personal Trainer
The main reason that you’re not happy with your weight is because of what you eat.
It’s hardly your fault.
Have you ever stopped to notice how many times you’re bombarded by food marketing each day?
Ads come at you from magazine pages, T.V. commercials, on websites and billboards, each boasting of cheap, convenient and tasty ways to cure your hunger.
The question “What’s for dinner?” has never been more complex than now.
Extensive menu options and large entrees have distorted your concept of a proper meal, and before you know it you’ve fallen into the trap of the chain restaurant, the drive thru, and the take-out line.
But wait – truly healthy eating is simple.
First you need to block out the blizzard of food marketing around you.
Remember that advertisers want your money, and they don’t stop to consider if the food they promote will expand your waist – that’s your job.
It’s safe to say that, with few exceptions, any food that you see marketed should be avoided. When was the last time you saw an ad for grilled white fish, steamed broccoli and a side of brown rice?
So what does truly healthy eating look like?
A healthy meal contains lean protein, fresh vegetables and a modest serving of whole grains.
Just as importantly, a healthy meal does NOT contain:
- Refined sugar / corn syrup
- Fried / fatty food
- Full fat dairy food
- Processed food with chemical additives
Healthy Breakfast
Breakfast is the most important meal of the day. What you decide to eat when you first wake up will set the tone for the rest of your meals that day. Try these healthy options:
- Scrambled egg whites, sliced tomato and whole grain toast
- Whole grain oatmeal, sliced fruit and a protein shake
- Homemade breakfast sandwich: Multi-grain muffin with lean turkey slices and egg
Healthy Lunch
It is important to plan your lunch ahead of time in order to avoid turning to a fast food joint or vending machine. Pack your lunch the night before and carry it with you. Try these healthy options:
- Dark baby greens topped with chopped chicken breast and diced tomatoes
- Albacore tuna (packed in water), mixed with finely chopped cucumber over brown rice
- Homemade sandwich: Sprouted grain bread with lean turkey slices, lettuce, tomato and mustard
Healthy Dinner
Dinner is the meal where most people splurge and eat far more calories than they should. Eating at home is the first step in reducing your dinnertime calories. Try these healthy options:
- Grilled white fish, sautéed spinach and whole wheat couscous
- Baked chicken breast, steamed broccoli and brown rice
- Try the recipe for Rosemary Lamb Chops below
While healthy eating is a huge factor in achieving your ideal weight, exercise is the other half of the equation.
Your exercise routine should be challenging and should be done on a regular basis.
7 Resolutions You Can Keep From A ST Johns Wood Personal Trainer
Are you feeling reluctant to create New Year’s Resolutions? After years of failed resolutions past, I don’t blame you. However, if you pick the right resolutions, you’ll face the New Year head on, ready to make good on your big plans from January 1 all the way to December 31.
What kind of resolutions will you actually keep this year? Good question. Here are seven resolutions that you can keep and that will help you achieve big strides towards your fitness goals in 2016:
Resolution #1: Get Fishy
Giving your health a boost doesn’t have to take an incredible amount of time. With this resolution, it doesn’t even take will power. All it takes is modifying your grocery list by buying fish on occasion. Enjoy fish for dinner once a week, and you’ll protect your heart from disease and increase your chances for a longer life. Go with salmon, trout, flounder, or tuna.
Resolution #2: Lather Up
You want your skin to look young and healthy, so this is the year you do something about it. Keep a bottle of sunscreen on your counter. When getting ready for your day, make it part of your routine to spread some sun-shielding lotion on your face, arms, and neck. It’ll save your skin so it’ll look its best in years to come and prevent skin cancer.
Resolution #3: Sweat in the AM
In today’s world, it can be difficult to find the time to exercise. One way to increase your odds for exercising each day is to knock it out first thing in the morning. This year, resolve to exercise right after waking up. Adjust your wake up time to accommodate your morning sweat session.
Resolution 4: Swap One Meal
By swapping out one of your daily meals for a 1 or 2 scoop protein shake you’ll save yourself a few hundred calories each day while providing your muscles with much needed protein. Most of my clients choose to make this swap for breakfast, since it’s so convenience to shake up some protein powder and water to drink on-the-go as you race out the door to start your day. If you only choose to make one resolution this year make it this one – you’ll be astounded at the quick results this simple daily swap will deliver.
Resolution 5: Push Your Body
Know that half marathon you’ve been considering? Want to stop feeling the need to eat cake at every birthday party you attend—even when the cake is dry? This is the year you train properly for that race, say no to cake on occasion, and take up mountain climbing. Find someone with the same goal, make a plan to reach the goal, and get started. Once you complete your first goal and see that it wasn’t as impossible as you once thought, you may just find yourself setting even bigger goals for next year.
Resolution 6: Down More H2O
Your body is primarily made up of water. Keep it that way by skipping soda and sipping on water all day long. A great way to make strides toward your watery goal is to fill up the biggest water bottle you can find and go at it. Preferably, you can drink from something that holds 2.2 liters (9 cups), as all you’ll need is a single fill up in the morning to stay hydrated all day long.
Resolution 7: Stretch Every Day
One of the best ways to avoid injury, as we age, is to take a few minutes to stretch daily. This is most effectively done after you have warmed up and before you begin the intense portion of your routine. By taking the best care of your muscles, with stretching, you’ll avoid taking time off for injury recovery and will be able to accomplish your goals quicker.
There you have it, 7 realistic New Year’s Resolutions to help make 2016 your best year yet. The most effective way to ensure that you stick with your resolutions is to become one of my valued clients. I’ll be by your side every step of the way as we get you from where you are today to the body that you want to live in tomorrow.
5 Side Effects of Fat Loss From A St Johns Wood Personal Trainer
Side Effect #1: Confidence
Confidence is one of the most important perks of dropping fat. When you have increased confidence, you change how you view yourself and go about your daily routine. The world is at your fingertips and you are able to take on whatever it throws your way.
Additionally, when your confidence increases after losing a few pounds, you’re poised to keep losing. So the confidence you gain gives you what you need to lose more weight and feel even more confident.
Side Effect #2: Money
It may be difficult to understand how losing weight saves you money, but it happens. How? Because one of the best ways to trim pounds is to cut down on the amount of calories you consume every day. When you start eating and drinking fewer calories, that means you don’t have to buy as much food or high-calorie drinks. Additionally, losing weight may make it possible to stop taking certain medications, which will help save you even more money.
On top of that, when you lose weight, you get a boost of confidence. (See previous point.) That boost of confidence will change how you handle yourself at work, helping you make the right impression on your boss, so you can get the promotion you need.
Side Effect #3: Better Health Now
Go to the doctor with some sort of health condition, and unless it’s the common cold or flu, losing a few pounds can almost always help you manage the condition better. From diabetes to heart disease to joint pain, trimming the fat from your body gives you a heads up right now. Cutting fat makes it easier to get around on your joints, reduces your blood pressure, and helps you sleep better.
As additional perks, less fat today means better sleep and better sex tonight. Since both of these improve your quality of life, taking the time necessary to shave off fat will give you the best life you could experience!
Side Effect #4: Better Health Later
Today isn’t the only time your health will improve when you lose some fat. Shed some pounds and you’ll reap the rewards for years down the road. Instead of having to manage a variety of health conditions, you will be able to keep those conditions at bay.
A few health issues you can cut your risk for by cutting fat are diabetes, heart disease, joint pain, a variety of cancers, high blood pressure, and dementia. In other words, get rid of the fat today and you can avoid all the health issues in the future that requires fat loss for maximum management.
Side Effect #5: Everything Tastes Better
As you settle into your new fat-burning lifestyle that includes eating healthily and working out regularly, you’ll notice something. Because you no longer overeat at the buffet or go for a second or third helping, you will begin enjoying every bite that you take. As the bite sits in your mouth, you won’t swallow it before tasting or chewing. You will take your time and really savour the flavour.
And when you do start chewing your food and enjoying the flavours, your brain will have time to register when you’re full and cut you off before you stuff yourself with more calories than you can burn. Do this regularly and you’ll lose even more fat!
I’ve dedicated my career to helping people, just like you, conquer their fear of exercise and clear up their confusion with healthy eating. I know that a healthy life is within your reach – I’ve seen hundreds of my clients before you do it, and I’ll see hundreds after you do it. Today it’s your turn.
5 lifestyle mistakes to STOP making From A St Johns Wood Personal Trainer
Want an easier way to lose fat? Stop starving yourself, counting calories, or eliminating your favorite food groups.
Those extreme techniques only burn you out and leave you more frustrated than ever.
I bet if I sat on your shoulder and watched your daily routine, I would be able to identify at least 5 areas where you could make simple changes that effortlessly help you lose unwanted pounds.
Because the truth is that real fat loss comes with lasting, healthy lifestyle changes. You’ll get to your goals quicker when you stop making these 5 Lifestyle Mistakes:
Lifestyle Mistake #1: Lack of Sleep. To put this simply, you need to sleep more. Most adults need an average of eight hours of sleep each night, and I know you aren’t getting that much. When you don’t get adequate amounts of rest, you’re more likely to be hungry, overeat, and gain weight.
How does this work? Something like this.
If you’re tired, you won’t feel like cooking a healthy meal, and you’ll opt for fast (fattening) food instead. This very same lack of energy will also likely cause you to skip the gym. On top of that, sleep deprivation causes your metabolism to slow down, and if you’ve not heard, that is not something you want when trying to shed a few pounds.
Lifestyle Mistake #2: Too Much TV Time: Many people are in the habit of sitting in front of the TV for hours on end after a stressful day at work. Yes, you may be worn out and need a break, but sitting on the couch, zoned out, watching TV is not the way to lose inches.
If you must watch the evening news or see your favorite show, use the time to burn a few calories. Keep some hand weights next to the couch and work your biceps and triceps. Stand up and do some squats or lunges to work your legs and buttocks. Get on the floor and do some sit-ups to tone your abs or push-ups to tone your arms.
Lifestyle Mistake #3: Skipping Breakfast. Want to know a secret to successful weight loss? Eat breakfast! Try cutting calories by skipping breakfast, and you’ll be excessively hungry by mid-morning. As a result, the healthy calories you would have eaten at breakfast are replaced with calorie-filled snacks and an over-sized lunch.
Once again, fitting breakfast into your busy schedule may mean dramatic lifestyle changes. But research shows that the habit of eating a healthy breakfast is key to losing weight and keeping pounds off. Get to bed 30 minutes earlier than usual and set your alarm 10 minutes earlier to give yourself time to eat breakfast
Lifestyle Mistake #4: Drinking Too Much Sugar. Lasting fat loss is about changes. Unfortunately, some of the changes one must make are difficult. If you’re one of the millions hooked on soda, alcohol, or other sweetened beverages then your fitness goals may remain out of reach until you replace these drinks with water. You should also know that your brain often confuses thirst with hunger.
So at the first sign of hunger, don’t grab a snack or calorie-filled drinks. Instead, grab a glass of water.
Lifestyle Mistake #5: Not Doing the Right Physical Activity. Weight loss is about burning more calories than you consume. Therefore, it should make sense to you that dieting and exercise must go hand in hand. If you want to speed up weight loss and keep the weight away, add or increase the amount and intensity of physical activity in your daily life.
For many people, this is the most difficult lifestyle change of all, but the benefits are well work it. Aim for 30 to 60 minutes of intense exercise on most days of the week. When exercise is a normal part of your everyday routine, it’s more likely to stick, and your body will become slimmer and more toned.
If you’re fed up with your body, if you’ve reached the end of your rope, if you think that you’ll never enjoy wearing a bathing suit again in public…then I have good news for you.
I’m here to help you meet your fitness and fat loss goals. In fact, seeing my clients reach their goals is what drives me to do what I do. I can’t wait to see your transformation unfold.
Call or email today to get started on a fitness program that will get you on the fast track to your best body ever.
3 Ways Exercise Makes You Feel Better From a Personal Trainer In St Johns Wood
When we talk about the benefits of exercise, looking better gets the most attention.
Burning off unwanted pounds is a great thing, but let’s not overlook a more immediate benefit of exercise.
Exercise transforms how you feel—with a quickness.
It’s true. While weight loss takes time and extended effort, all it takes is one workout to begin reaping the reward of a more energetic and capable body.
Here are the top 3 ways that your body will feel better with exercise:
1) You’ll Have More Energy
How are your energy levels these days?
(And I’m talking about natural energy, not energy manufactured by caffeine.)
Do your eyes pop open at the sound of your alarm? Then do you bounce through your day with a spring in your step?
Or do you hit snooze half a dozen times before getting up and dragging through your day?
While you may not instantly feel like the Energizer Bunny, your energy levels will dramatically increase once you begin a consistent, challenging exercise routine.
How does spending energy create more energy?
“(Exercise) literally creates energy in your body. Your body rises up to meet the challenge for more energy by becoming stronger,” explains Samantha Heller MS, RD.
Research consistently concludes that regular exercise increases energy levels and reduces fatigue.
2) You’ll Have Fewer Aches and Pains
When your life becomes sedentary (this means you are inactive for most of the day) then you’ll quickly find your body developing aches and pains.
You’ll feel it when you stand up – a throb in your back, creaking in your knees and stiffness in your legs.
This is pain due to underuse.
Your body was meant to move!
Movement improves flexibility and range of motion, and releases natural pain-reducing endorphins, which means that, with a regular exercise program, you’ll be moving smoother and with less pain than ever before.
3) You’ll Feel Happy and Confident
It’s hard to understand how 30 to 60 minutes a day spent on exercise is able to completely transform how you feel about yourself. But it does.
Think back to the last time that you accomplished something. Maybe you performed well at work and received kudos from your boss, or you finished a project at home that took weeks of your time and concentration.
Do you remember how that accomplishment made you feel?
You stood a little bit straighter, you smiled easily, and deep down you felt alive with excitement.
When challenging exercise becomes a regular part of your life, feelings of happiness and confidence also become a part of you.
From now on I want you to forget the idea that exercise is nothing more than a means to achieving a slimmer body.
5 Reasons To Motivate You…Even In December
These 5 Reasons to Motivate You will help you to stick with your exercise routine so that you’ll enter the New Year feeling energized and excited.
There isn’t a one-size-fits-all answer for motivation, since different things motivate different people, so explore all 5 motivators below…
Motivator #1: Health
Have you looked at the long list of health benefits that exercise delivers? Pretty impressive. Not only does exercise help you achieve and maintain a healthy weight, it also helps lower bad cholesterol, triglycerides, and blood pressure, while improving the amount of good cholesterol in your body.
Additionally, exercise strengthens your bones and muscles, lowers your risk of cancer, decreases stress, helps you battle depression, and even improves your sex life.
Motivator #2: Enjoyment
If exercise hasn’t been enjoyable for you, it’s time to find a way to make it fun. Everyone likes doing things they enjoy. You might hate running but enjoy swimming or riding a bike. Perhaps you don’t like being alone and would rather be social. So join a team! Or maybe you don’t like the idea of driving all the way to the gym, changing out, and exercising with a crowd. Find out when your local gym is least populated, and hit the weights then. Do what’s most fun for you and you’ll be less likely to stop.
Motivator #3: Increased Confidence
If you’re out of shape or overweight, it can take a lot of courage to start an exercise routine. Remember to be confident in who you are, no matter what size or shape. Don’t compare yourself to the skinny, toned figure strutting her stuff through the gym. Keep your eyes on your goal and don’t expect perfection after just a week of exercise. Strive to have your best body—not someone else’s.
Motivator #4: Goal Achievement
If you’re just getting started in the world of exercise, or if you’ve simply gotten stale, a good place to start is by setting goals. How much weight would you like to lose? How far would you like to run? Working towards a goal is a great motivator. However, don’t set up for failure by striving after unrealistic goals. Do this and you’ll soon feel overwhelmed and give up altogether. To avoid this, set realistic milestones. When you reach them, enjoy your accomplishment and then set new goals to take your good health even further.
Motivator #5: Rewards
Rewards are a great motivator. In fact, much of what you do in life is motivated by a reward of some kind, whether intrinsic or extrinsic. When it comes to exercise, a good reward probably shouldn’t be an ice cream sundae, but it may be that new pair of jeans you’ve been eyeing, or perhaps a night out with friends. Maybe for you, weight loss and lowered blood pressure are reward enough. Just know that your hard work is paying off and deserves to be rewarded.
5 Ways To Crave Less Sugar From A St Johns Wood Personal Trainer
1) Eat More Protein
A diet rich in protein keeps you full, satisfied and less likely to crave sweets. A great way to make sure that you are getting enough is to plan each meal and snack around a protein. Plan breakfast around eggs, lunch and dinner around baked chicken breast, and make snacks hard boiled eggs or baked meatballs. Try the recipe below for a protein-packed, sugar-busting snack.
2) Avoid Artificial Sweeteners
One of the biggest fitness myths out there is the idea that calorie-free, artificially sweetened beverages don’t impact your fat loss results. Sorry to be the bearer of bad news, but the truth is that the diet soda you’re sipping is making it harder for you to reach your goal weight. While the diet soda itself doesn’t contain calories, it has been proven to cause cravings for sugary foods. Put down the diet soda and instead pick up a refreshing bottle of spring water.
3) Try Dark Chocolate
For those moments when your sweet tooth is relentlessly badgering you for something sweet, ditch the super-sugary candies and stick with a small square of very dark chocolate. Chocolate that is 70% or higher in cocoa content should be the only candy that you keep on hand. The benefit of the cocoa, in addition to the lowered sugar content, makes dark chocolate an occasionally justifiable treat.
4) Stick With Fruit
What’s sweet, colorful and comes in hundreds of flavors? Organic, seasonal, fresh fruit, of course! As you remove refined sugar from your life, feel free to add in some natural sugar by way of fresh, local fruit. It’s amazing how satisfyingly sweet fruit is – it’s truly nature’s candy.
5) Workout Like You Mean It
A regular, challenging exercise routine will not only get you into amazing shape, it also reduces your cravings for sugar. The endorphin rush brought on by vigorous exercise is an even more powerful feel-good-feeling than the pleasure gotten by indulging in sugary foods.
Make challenging, consistent exercise a part of your life by signing up for my fitness program. I’d love to get you to your goals using my results-driven method.
Get More Out of Exercise Time From A St Johns Wood Personal Trainer
How effective is your exercise time?
Do you workout enthusiastically, feeling the burn with a smile, pushing yourself to the limit?
Or would you describe your exercise time more like an even trot? Coasting along, breaking a respectable sweat, doing the same old thing.
Since you take the time to exercise and desire to have your body change into a slimmer, more toned version of yourself, then use the following tips to get more out of your exercise time.
- Focus your mental energy. It sounds simple, but often isn’t. If you’re lifting weights, focus on that specific muscle group. Researchers saw a significant increase in muscle activity when people focused on what they were doing, compared to thinking about unrelated topics.
- Pump up the volume. Listen to upbeat music while you exercise. Researchers found that personal music motivated weightlifters to complete two more repetitions on average than those who were not listening to music.
- Keep things fresh. Alter your routine often. This will help you to avoid plateaus and will continue to challenge your body. Try new exercises, new intensities and new environments.
- Stay nourished and hydrated. Pay attention to your food and your hydration levels. You’d be amazed how much being dehydrated can affect your performance even away from the gym.
- Find your magic time. Work out when your body is at its best. If you’re not a morning person, do not force the issue on your body.
- Wear clothes that you love. Not only will you be happy to put them on and show them off, but you will be able to focus completely on the task at hand, rather than stressing that your pants will split whenever you squat.
- Make sure the shoe fits. Can you imagine a tap dancer performing without tap shoes? Your shoes are just as important! With correctly fitted shoes for your workout or sport, you’ll keep your feet, ankles, knees, and back protected and healthy.
- Use a professional. If you don’t already, have me design your workouts. This will ensure that you’re being challenged and seeing results.
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