
“There are a few key things you need to make sure are put in place if you are focused on building lean muscle mass.”

Either yourself, or you know a lot of people, who have time after time again set the goal of building lean muscle mass but always fail, because they are missing probably the most vital basics which hold them back from achieving results. Here are our TOP THREE fundamentals for building muscle:


The number one cause for you not gaining any muscle size that you’re looking for is not eating enough. Ask any fitness professional, they will tell you the first basic of putting on any kind of mass is that energy input needs to be greater than energy output (this is not to say you shouldn’t work as hard as you can in the gym).

You need calories to grow, if not enough are coming in, you won’t grow – it’s that simple. It is recommended to consume 200 – 300 calories over maintenance value to notice any sort of increase in mass.


The second most important reason why you are not building muscle mass (and probably the most important in relevance to any exercise) is that you are not resting enough. Would more regular exercise in the gym guarantee you fast results? – Sort of, but not quite.

When you put your muscles under tension and pressure of exercise, you are tearing and damaging the muscle fibers. When you rest, especially when you sleep, that is when your body repairs these damaged fibers and THAT is when they GROW and DEVELOP. If you are not giving your body enough rest, then your growth and recovery will slow down immensely.



And here is our final basic principle to make sure you get the best out of your workouts. An amazing thing about being human is that we have the capability to adapt to change, physically and psychologically. If you train your body with the same movements and exercises in every workout, your body and your mind will familiarise itself with that routine causing you to stop developing. This is what we call “plateau” which is a word you might hear a lot. In the fitness industry this means “reaching a state of little or no change after a period of activity or progress”.

The best way to avoid a plateau is to always “shock” your body so it never becomes accustomed to your exercise. The way to do this is by changing different variants in your work outs, this includes doing different exercises, changing the weight, sets, reps, rest time, advanced methods (supersets, drop sets, pyramids, circuits, interval cardio) and how many times a week you work out.

Put all these 3 factors into play and watch your body grow before your eyes.

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