

If you’re like most people on the planet then the realisation of you in a swim suit will either bring that grimance to your face or will motivate you to lose weight.

I applaud your desire to slim down but I’m also hear to let you guys and girls know of the 5 common myths.

1. Starve the pounds away: starving yourself in order to lose weight is extremely ineffective and very dangerous. By doing this, it will have significant effect on your body’s metabolism and slow your results down.

Tip- don’t starve, eat smaller healthier meals throughout the day.

2. Take Diet Pills to boost effort: These so called miracle pills are more likely to damage your body rather than help it. Along with health risks, its very likely it will damage your bank account as well.

Tip: Don’t take pills….. Burn calories with exercise

3. Do extra crunches to flatten your abs: the 6 pack is what we all desire. We all want those abs when strolling down the beach. Doing ridiculous amounts of crunches is not the answer. In order to achieve this lean look, you will have to focus on burning off that layer of fat that is covering those abs.

tip: focus on fat burning exercise and don’t just do isolation work on the abs.

4.Eat Packaged diet foods for speedy results: more often than not the products are packed with refined sugars and other artificial ingredients (MSG) that your body has no use for.

Tip: Stay away from packaged diet foods and stick to healthy and nutritious whole foods.

5. Avoid all carbs in order to slim down: the key is to stick to whole grains, oat meal, brown rice while avoiding processed and refined flours and sugars.

NOW YOU KNOW THE MYTHS….. Lets go over the beach body plan….. THE TRUTH.

– Cut out the junk: get rid of all the sugary and fat filled foods. Remember your quest to achieving that beach body is all down to what you put into. If you put junk in and it will look like junk. So don’t do it.

-Focus on whole foods: Replace the junk with cooked and raw veg, fresh fruits, lean meats, small amounts of seeds and nuts and low fat dairy.

Personal Trainer Hampstead

Not enough time to exercise = Number one excuse to why people don’t exercise enough. Well that’s what they tell themselves.

In today’s society, people’s lifestyles are very hectic with getting to and from work and balancing responsibilities (kids), so that leaves hardly anytime for working out.

With Christmas quickly approaching, your hectic schedule is most likely to go into overdrive with all the parties, shopping and decorating. So exercise is very likely to drop lower down the list of things to do.

Don’t become a victim of holiday season induced weight gain. With these 3 easy steps you can escape the “not enough time” excuse.

STEP 1:Schedule Your Workouts- you should treat your exercise times as if it were and important meeting or deadline. So the best way to do this is, is to literally pencil a time into your diary and stick to that time. So find three slots in your weekly schedule that is good for you to do at least 30 mins of exercise.

STEP 2:Get the Most Out Of Each Minute- A great workout can take place in under an hour, when done correctly. The idea is to burn more calories each minute. This is done through short, intense bursts of exercise.


Use the following three tips to bring your routine up to the next level:

  1. Be Unstable: Use your entire body, and target your core, by performing exercises that engage stabilizing muscles. To do this use an exercise ball, a balance board, a balance disk, or you could simply stand on one leg.
  2. Add Resistance: The more resistance that you incorporate with your routine translates into higher intensity and more calories burned. Some ideas for adding resistance include: carrying dumbbells while doing lunges, wearing a weighted vest while walking or jogging, or putting a weight between your feet while doing leg raises.
  3. Use Intervals: Interval training is an amazing tool for creating short yet effective workouts. Interval training is simply alternating between different short bursts of activity.Here’s an example
  • Lunge while curling dumbbells, 15-20 repetitions
  • 30 seconds of intense cardio: sprint, jump rope, or jumping jacks
  • Squat while pressing dumbbells overhead, 15-20 repetitions
  • 30 seconds of intense cardio: sprint, jump rope, or jumping jacks
  • Crunches on an exercise ball, 15-20 repetitions
  • 30 seconds of intense cardio: sprint, jump rope, or jumping jacks
  • Leg raises off the end of an exercise bench, 15-20 repetitions

Step 3: Twice the Results in Half the Time:

When you attempt to lose weight or meet a fitness goal on your own, the odds are stacked against you. Sure, you could do it over time – but it’s a long and lonely road. A road lined with detours that threaten to undermine your progress.

Personal Trainer Marylebone

NOT EXERCISING ENOUGH is the number one reason why a large number of people are out-of-shape.

I wish I could I could personally come to every single one of you and get you off the sofa and into the gym, but there aren’t enough hours in the day. So instead I’m going to tell you 10 benefits that you will gain from participating in regular exercise.

  1. RESET THE BODY- good workout will reduce appetite swings, dramatically improve your mood and for all you busy bodies- it will help you sleep at night.
  2. CLOTHES WILL FIT BETTER- Consistent exercise will tone and tighten your body, causing your clothes to not only fit better but to also look nicer.
  3. REDUCED STRESS LEVELS- Working out invigorates the muscles, leaving you feeling relaxed and less stressed.
  4. INCREASED STRENGTH-Exercise improves the strength and endurance of the muscles. You gradually start seeing difficult tasks becoming a lot easier.
  5. BURN CALORIES- Body fat is basically made up of unused calories. So by exercising regularly you will be burning these unwanted lodgers.
  6. INCREASED CONFIDENCE- As your body becomes fitter, so does your confidence.
  7. REDUCE BLOOD PRESSURE- Exercise has been proven more effective than medication in reducing blood pressure to normal levels. A single workout has been shown to reduce blood pressure for the day and regular exercise reduces overall blood pressure in the long run.
  8. INCREASE INSULIN LEVELS- exercise improved insulin sensitivity dramatically. Peak after-meal insulin levels dropped by more than 20 percent after as little as 3 weeks of consistent exercise.
  9. REDUCE RISK OF DIABETES- Research has shown that exercising as little as 30 mins a day can dramatically reduce the risk of diabetes. Therefore if you are at risk of this disease, be smart and take 30 mins out of your day and exercise. It is the most effective treatment for reversing diabetes.
  10. LOOK AMAZING- Regular exercise works wonders on your physique. Within a few weeks you’ll see shape and tone in all the right places.

Personal Trainer Maida Vale

By introducing boundaries it is very important for helping you to achieve the ideal physique.

  1. Fitness Boundary One: What You Eat

Eating refined, fried, processed and sugary foods are definitely not the way to go if you’re trying to achieve a healthy and fit body. So basically you need to avoid these foods at all costs.

Simply by placing this boundary around your diet can be very beneficial. So allow yourself to eat whole foods, vegetables, fruits and lean meat.

  1. Fitness Boundary Two: How you exercise

Just because you’re not a professional athlete or training for the Olympics, doesn’t mean you can avoid exercise. Exercising regularly has so many benefits such as improved self-esteem due to the fact your body shape will improve and also the level of energy you will have will be through the roof.

You should place boundaries around the frequency of exercise. Also when doing exercise, try and select workouts that are challenging yet fun. Put some variety into the workouts so you improve strength and endurance.

  1. Fitness Boundary Three: When You Indulge

Indulging has become so easy in today’s society, it’s thrown right in our faces and the opportunities to indulge are endless. If you continue to live life without placing boundaries on the opportunity to indulge, well then I guess you’re a lost cause. These small indulgences quickly add up and before you know it, the top button of your jeans is clinging on for dear life or half way across the bedroom floor.

By removing everyday indulgences and limiting them to certain times of the week, will help fight the flab and you will end up enjoying them 10 times more.


Putting It in Action

You really need to think long and hard about your lifestyle choices. Are they really benefiting you or are they causing more damage. Ask your self, am I exercising enough, am I eating right and am I indulging far too often. Once you have asked these questions you will be on the right path to achieving that ultimate physique you desire. To help with this you should answer these questions:

  • What can I remove from my daily diet? (High calorie beverages, McDonalds etc, High fat foods)
  • When should I work out? (at least 3-5 times a week e.g. Mon, Weds and Fri)
  • When should I have a cheat day? (Doesn’t mean you eat the weeks worth of junk in one day, be smart and keep it to a minimum because your goal is most likely to be fat loss).


Once you get used to these fitness boundaries your body switches to autopilot and the results are seen in no time.

If you know what to eat and you are committed 110% to exercising at least 3 times a week, well then it’s no surprise it will become second nature to you.


We may set goals and work hard only to find our motivation goes astray.

The Two Motivators
We are motivated by two things:

  1. To avoid pain (fear of failure)
  2. To gain pleasure (promise of reward)

You will move towards these motivators. To know which one, remember the last time you finished a task and then ask yourself the following: what were you thinking Whilst doing the task?

Make a note of which motivator works for you – fear of failure, or promise of reward.

Set Your Goal: The first step towards motivation is to know your goal.


You may relate to one of the following goals:

  • You need to lose weight for your health.
  • You want to look and feel great
  • You’re worried about your kids food and drink intake.

Train Your Mindset for Weight Loss:

Eating Right:

Take a moment to look at your current eating habits. Look at the foods that you could stop eating (fried, refined carbohydrates, fizzy drinks). Look at the worst food that you eat but know you shouldn’t.

Now look at the healthy foods that you could eat (vegetables, fruits, and lean protein). Find the healthiest foods that you know you should eat often.

Now with the vision of these two foods in mind, find a place and do this exercise.

  • Draw up the image of your unhealthy food. This image will likely be quite nice, with smell, taste and bright color. In your mind, remove this picture to black and white and distance the image until it is unattractive and dull
  • Draw up the image of your healthy food item. This image will likely be un attractive. In your mind, bring this picture to life with great taste and texture.

Regular Exercise: The following technique can be used in a way that makes you want exercise rather than avoid it.

Take a moment to wonder how you feel after a great workout. Remember the feel good factor.

Now feel what you don’t like about exercise. What is your biggest reason for not exercising? Are you too tired? Not enough time? What is your greatest complaint about exercise.

Now with the vision of these two aspects of exercise in mind, find a  place and do this  exercise:

  • Draw up the image of your exercise complaint. The image is likely to be clear and accompanied by the enjoyment, and sensations. In your mind, remove this picture to black and white and distance the image until it is boring and not attractive
  • Draw up the image of the great feeling you have after finishing a great workout. visualise this image in your mind. Fixate on how you feel physically, mentally and emotionally. View the experience in excitement and feeling of accomplishment.

How this Works
if this was your first experience with training your mind (also called Neuro-Linguistic Programming, or NLP) it may have felt a little funny. Many of the world’s top success stories use techniques like these to accomplish goals.

How to overcome overeating

The reason why people overeat

here are some reasons:

  1. Habit: it’s just normal for you to eat in a learned pattern.  You choose bad choices over good ones.
  1. Attention: not paying attention to what you are eating, watching T.V. and eating, eating on the run.
  1. Something else: Sometimes food is eaten to change your mood. These calories may give you a temporary feel good factor but long term will not help you.

Below are 3 steps to overeating, apply them
Step1: Pay Attention

You must be aware of what and how much you are eating!

Only eat when you are ready to eat. Don’t eat while you are distracted. Try to eat before you are hungry.

Step2: Balance

Keep an eye on the foods you eat. Make each meal balanced. The meal should contain a starchy carb, lean protein and a fibrous carb. By eating right you will fulfil the bodies daily food requirements.

Keep it simple and controlled

Step 3: Be in control

Your body will tell you when its hunger has been satisfied, you just need to listen to your body.

Very important  to eat slowly and watch your food.
If you can master how to control your eating,  weight loss will become simple and effective..

Who To Blame

Who is to blame if you are out of shape?

If you go by what advertisement companies say it is not your fault.

The diets companies don’t want to put the blame on the individual.  They want to blame your cortisal level, busy lifestyle, stress instead of making you responsible for your choice.

Ok there are things that will get in your way but it will always be down to you.

what is behind ‘Before and After’ Pictures

Let me tell you something that the diet industry doesn’t want you to know. You’ve seen many before and after pictures showing weight loss as a result of a diet pill.

Well there is more to it then that.

The individual is not happy with there before picture but decided to make the change.

in the after picture – they are much more happy? They now own the body that they once never had. And what a great feeling that is.

its your Time To Transform

Whether you know it or not, you have the skills to transform your body.  but you need to take responsibility for the body you have today.

Here’s how to change your body in 3 steps:

Step One: Negative

emotion creates motion.  You must associate being overweight with pain. You must decide that you can’t live another day in your current state.
write down all the reasons why you must get fit.

Step Two: visualise
Know and feel your goal already accomplished. You must see the end in mind.

Step Three: Get Moving

Its time to take action, there is no time then know to move forward.

You will be happier living life in a fit healthy and attractive body.