
personal trainer Regents Park

Exercises can be classified as either compound or isolation exercises. Compound exercises are multi movement exercises where several big muscle groups are working together to produce force, while isolation exercises are exercises that target one muscle group at a time. Compound exercises enable you to get more “bang for your buck” helping you achieve better body composition readings increased strength and power in a shorter period of time.

I often get asked what is the best exercise for fat loss. Of course the answer isn’t that simple. The important thing to consider is the type of movement involved and the correct programming of several different exercises put together.

What makes an exercise a good one?

Compound exercises such as squats, dead lifts, presses and rows should form the cornerstone of your programming, It’s a combination of these exercises which enables people to really hit their fitness goals.

There are many different variations of these main lifts but it is essential that they are included in your workouts. These multi movement exercises recruit the most muscle fibers and enable the lifter to lift considerably more weight than in isolation exercises which increases the intensity of the lift.

Through lifting heavy weights you will accelerate the process of fat loss as it produces higher levels of testosterone to be realised which is a muscle building hormone. They will burn more far more calories than isolation exercises because of the higher intensity produced. They focus on the larger muscle groups such as the gluteus and shoulders giving you the potential to add for more lean muscle which increases metabolism then working the biceps in an isolation exercise.

If we compare a lower body multi joint exercise such as the front squat with a lower body isolation exercise such as lying down leg curl, its evident that the multi joint exercise is far superior. The front squat is performed with barbell loaded on your front. This automatically activates your core muscles. It also targets the gluteus, quadriceps and hamstrings. When performing the lying down leg curl, for a start you are lying down and this takes your core muscles out of the equation. Then it just isolates the hamstrings neglecting any other muscle group.



How else to increase the Intensity of your training?

Compound exercises can be performed as a superset. This is a great way to increase intensity and safe time. Antagonistic supersets are where you perform two exercises in concession with opposing movements.

For example one of my favourite antagonistic supersets is an over head military shoulder press and a pull up. The shoulder press is a pressing movement targeting the deltoids, triceps and core muscles while the pull up is a pulling movement targeting the lats, rhomboids, biceps and core.

The key is here you are able to increase the intensity by working opposing muscle groups.


There is no one great exercise for fat loss. Its about getting several different aspects right consistently.

You have to adjust the rep range and load of the exercises, keep adjusting the programming of your training so the body cannot adapt and combine it with good nutrition and high intensity cardio such as sprints.

These methods will help you reach your goals, by adding lean muscle tissue, increasing your metabolism and burning fat.

personal trainer Camden

So the New Year’s coming up, and you’re trying to reinvent yourself.

You might be thinking about New Year’s Resolutions to better yourself, or just going along with what comes to you. But either way you might be considering to become healthier, fitter and happier than you are currently.

To keep yourself on the right track for New Year’s, try following these 27 Fitness and Fat Loss Tips:

  1. Every day, imagine yourself in that perfect body that you want and keep your goals in your mind. Believe that you are on your way to achieving these goals and that you’ve almost made it.
  2. Don’t waste any time. Work out at higher intensities and burn as much calories as you can. Push yourself beyond your limit.
  3. Eat less! How easy would it be to not gain calories, if you don’t consume them? You would effortlessly lose weight and calories if you use smaller plates.
  4. Make sure you don’t be tempted to take days off, of your workouts by relying on them. You would be more motivated to go, and keep going if you work out with someone of a personal trainer.
  5. Keep yourself hydrated! With WATER! It’s strange how many people are unknowingly dehydrated. Instead of quenching your thirst with beverages that are filled with sugars and calories, drink some water which won’t do you any harm.
  6. Stick to a well balanced nutritious meal plan. Keep your metabolism burning by eating plenty of dark green vegetables such as spinach, asparagus and broccoli to get vitamins and minerals and lean protein sources such as chicken, eggs and fish.

    Healthy fats should also form a big part of your diet which helps to regulate your metabolism and burn body fat, make sure you consume healthy fats through almonds, avocados and oily fish. Avoid processed foods by eating smaller nutritious meals 3 times a day and consume two snacks to avoid hunger and binging.

  7.  If you need support with staying on track as for help. If you feel supported while trying to reach your goals you are far more likely to be successful.
  8. There are many recent studies all showing that high intensity training is a far more effective method for achieving a better body composition then slow paced traditional cardio sessions like jogging.

    Short sharp bursts of exercise such as hill sprints creates EPOC (Excess post exercise oxygen consumption), this is what makes interval training efficient for fat loss. Due to the intensity of the exercise your body has to work hard to cope meaning calorie expenditure dramatically increases helping you burn more fat after the session due to the elevated metabolism.

  9.  It’s down to you! How badly do you want to achieve your goals, you should remember this when your exercising hard. Make sure you know it will be worth it.
  10.  Do not consume processed foods. They will lack essential nutrients and fill you up with calories your body can’t use properly as fuel and will more likely be stored as fat.
  11. Get started right now. There is no time like the present to start training and eating well, it’s far too easy to put it off until tomorrow or the week after but life will keep getting in the way. Start now!
  12.  Fill your diets with lean protein, vegetables, complex carbohydrates and healthy fats.
  13.  Start reading the nutrition labels on food.
  14. Find a personal trainer to accelerate your fat loss goals
  15.  Get to know the different food groups and understand the basic nutritional values of different foods and what they are needed for.
  16.  Surround yourself with positive like minded people
  17.  Do not consume calories through drinking. Only drink water and green teas
  18.  Consistency is essential to achieving your goals. Train hard and regularly 3 to 4 times a week.
  19. Set your targets high expect allot from yourself.
  20. Limit fruit intake to 1 to 2 pieces a day to avoid natural sugars. Stick to blueberries, blackberries and raspberries.
  21.  Don’t let your muscles adapt to your workouts. Keep challenging your body by adjusting the rep range you use, time under tension and exercise order.
  22. Consume plenty of whole foods to get fibre and antioxidants.
  23. Cardiovascular work should be performed in an interval style for fat loss. Its most effective when performed after your weight training to maximise fat burning capabilities
  24.  Smart goal setting is important to give you sense of direction and drive. Make them specific and measurable.
  25.  Breakfast is the most important meal of the day. It’s a chance to kick start metabolism and help brain function. Consume protein rich food first thing such as eggs or mackerel.
  26. Push yourself and achieve your goals

Use these tips to your advantage. Keep them somewhere you can see them allot to remind and motivate yourself. If in the New Year you want to strip body fat and become leaner and more energetic then find yourself a personal trainer to educate you, accelerate your fat loss and help you hit your target.

personal trainer Highgate

It is that time of year where you have numerous parties to go to, endless amounts of food and drink to consume. Usually any progress you have made in the gym would take a few backward steps during the party season. So how can you stay lean and keep the festive fat off your body? During this blog we will take a look at tips on how to stay lean and cheat your way through parties or even better, help to improve your body composition ready for the New Year.

1)      Think Nutrition before Parties

Many people make the mistake of not eating much before they go to a party where there will be lots of food.
Instead make sure you eat well throughout the day consuming all the nutrients from different food groups you need, making sure you feel full when you go to the party will deter you from consuming so much food when you are there.

Because you feel fuller with good nutritious sources of food you will be in a better position to pick out healthy food choices at the party escaping the urge to eat sugary foods or high salt options.


2)      Bring a Healthy Dish to Share

Sometimes preparing your own dish to take to a party is a great idea. This means you will defiantly have an option of something tasty and healthy to eat at the party.


3)      Do not drink calories

Drinking plenty of water is the foundation of good nutrition so the only fluids you should be drinking is water with the exception of green tea.

Many people don’t realize the amount of empty calories which are within soft drinks usually containing high levels of sugar, too much for your body to use as energy consequently storing it as fat.

Alcoholic drinks should be avoided as much as possible.

When you consume alcohol you will spike your blood sugar levels meaning your setting yourself up for a crash. Your body has to work very hard to break alcohol down meaning anything you have eaten or drunk will not be digested and your body will not be unable to use the calories so it will get stored as excess fat.
So when you are at a party just drink water instead and avoid consuming empty calories.

4)      No second portions

Because you have already eaten well before the party and consumed all the good food sources your body needs. This should be made easier than if you starved yourself before hand, so pick out sensible food options and fill your plate and don’t go back for seconds. If you pick foods high in protein and some foods high in fibre you will feel fuller quicker.


5)      Taste the pudding don’t eat it

There will be many tempting treats and puddings over the Christmas period.

The best way around this is to just taste it, don’t actually eat it. By tasting it you will learn satisfy your sweet tooth while not consuming a normal portion.

If you can learn how to do this you will certainly be feeling leaner and healthier through Out the Christmas period.

How to get fit and stay fit

Achieving a good level of fitness for many people essentially boils down to making a life style change. Becoming stronger, leaner, faster and fitter is achieved through hard work and dedication, it should be seen as a journey where you constantly strive to improve and challenge yourself.

This blog will take a look at life style changes you may need to make so you can achieve your fitness goals.

1) Do not consume Process foods

Eating processed foods such as cereals, cookies and crisps have to be avoided. You need to make a life style change by not buying this type of food. If you don’t have it in your house your less likely to eat it. Your shopping list should only include whole foods such as fresh vegetables and fruit, nuts and lean cuts of organic meats and fish. So make this lifestyle change and clean up your diet.

2) Make Exercise your priority

Leading an active lifestyle is essential to getting fit. We all have busy lives but we should push exercise to the front of our schedules. By making exercise a priority you will ensure that you get it done. Your social life should fit around your workouts.

3) Control your portion size

Your portion size should be controlled. Many people over eat you need to learn to know when to stop. Make changes to the way you consume your food and avoid eating even when you feel full.

4) Challenge your self

You have to make a commitment to yourself and the goals you have made. Simply working out isn’t enough. You need to learn to push yourself during your workouts. Intensity is key to achieving your fitness goals and pushing the boundaries of what your body can do. As you train more you need to adapt your workouts to become more challenging to keep improving. Keep a journal of your workouts so you can measure if you are becoming stronger and faster.

5) Make it enjoyable

Become passionate about health and fitness and surround yourself with like minded people. The more positive you can be the better. Your workouts need to be intense but enjoyable; by setting smaller more achievable goals will help motivate you further when you achieve them. Find activities or sports that you enjoy such as swimming, gymnastics or team games like rugby to compete in alongside workouts in the gym.
6) Fix your drinking habits

Make changes to what you drink. Water should be the only thing you drink with exception of green tea, you don’t need anything else. By making this change you will avoid drinking sugary calorific drinks that your body will not process consequently the calories consumed will be stored as fat.

7) Look for extra support

Look for extra support to help you stay motivated. By finding a personal trainer you will find it harder to skip sessions. The extra support will keep you focused and driven giving you consistency with your training and nutrition.

The will to make a Change

The will to make a change in our lives and achieve our fitness goals starts with you.

The only time to make a change and turn things around is right now. There is no time like the present to start training hard and sticking to your nutritional plan, life will always present plenty of excuses to put your training on the back burner so just work around them and start achieving the results you need.

There are many people who want to strip body fat and who are constantly struggling with their weight essentially because they find it hard to put their goals into action. They may have underlying health problems such as high blood pressure or diabetes which they need to address but certain things prevent them from getting the ball rolling.

Anthony Robbins a professional speaker and author it’s the getting ready to change that takes time. In the end there’s a single instant when the change occurs. Robbins goes on to outline three specific beliefs that you must have in order to instantly create a lasting change.

1)     Things have to change

Do you have health issues that affect your everyday life or do you just want to strip some body fat or gain some lean muscle? The key is to get focused, realize what you have to do to achieve your goals and do it. Persuade yourself that today is the day it starts.


2)     You must be Accountable

Make yourself accountable for achieving what you need to do. The change and motivation has to come from your personal trainers. They can certainly add extra motivation and drive but the core of the hard work has to come from you.


3)     You can make the change

Mental resilience and the will to achieve will get you far in life and health and fitness. Keep your focus by reminding yourself of your goals and how badly you want it. If you are able to do this you will be successful in making a change.
Making lasting changes to your life takes more then will power, to turn things around and keep it that way involves pushing yourself out of your comfort zone.

If you become complacent you will slip back into old habits. It’s important to retrain how your brain processes things. You have to learn to associate healthy living with pleasure and a sedentary lifestyle with pain and unhappiness.

Through training hard regularly and eating well you will start to see results. You should then associate these positive results with training, realize the correlation between leading a healthy life style and happiness.

Take the change you need to make into your own hands today.


Keep it simple

What you eat is the main reason you are not happy with your weight, which isn’t entirely your fault.

Every day you are attacked with false food marketing, have you ever stopped to realise?

You can find advertisements everywhere from T.V. commercials, websites, magazine pages and billboards, each of them showing off their cheap, tasty and convenient ways to treat your hunger

This puts itself into all but one complicated question, “What’s for dinner?”

There are so many options and such a large menu that it distorts your idea of a proper meal, and sooner or later you find yourself falling into those drive-troughs, restaurants and take-out lines.

When, in actuality, healthy eating is really simple.

First you need to destroy that storm of food marketing around you from your mind. Remember that adverts just want your money; they don’t take into consideration if the product is affecting your weight. In their eyes, that’s your job.

I think it is fair to say that foods you see marketed and advertised you should avoid. When was the last time you saw an advert for some steamed broccoli, grilled white fish and a side of brown rice?

Healthy eating – What does it truly look like?

Fresh vegetables, a modest serving of whole grains and lean protein are what a healthy meal should consist of.

It is just as important to make sure that a healthy meal does NOT contain:

  • Fatty and fried foods
  • Refined sugar / corn syrup
  • foods with chemical additives that is processed
  • Full fat dairy food

The Importance of a good Breakfast for fat loss


When you are trying to strip fat, get stronger and fitter, breakfast should be made a priority.


If you eat the correct foods at breakfast you will have improved brain function, increased metabolism and you will feel fuller for longer while balancing out your blood sugar levels.


There have been many studies indicating that consuming protein rich food first thing in the morning helps to burn more calories throughout the day. Try these suggestions below.


1) Whole grain toast, 2 egg whites and whole egg (scrambled, boiled or in an omelet with tomatoes and spinach.


2)  Tinned mackerel or sardines, whole grain toast, avocado and tomatoes.


3)   Greek yoghurt with blueberries and a protein shake.

Get your Lunch Sorted for better fat loss results

Maintaining a healthy lifestyle and eating well throughout the day takes planning and organisation.

Avoid not knowing what you’re eating for lunch by getting organised and pre plan your lunches in order to make sure they are packed full of all the nutrients you need.  Below are some suggestions for you to pack and take with you to work etc.

1)      Grilled Chicken breast, Curly Kale, diced tomatoes and avocado

2)      Sweet potato, tinned tuna, low fat cottage cheese and spinach

3)      Diced beef mixed vegetables in stir fry with brown rice

Control your consumption at dinner time for fat loss

By eating well throughout the day you avoid feeling tired and lethargic. Many people consume too many calories at dinner time because they are tired and hungry after work.

Beat this pit fall by eating well throughout the day to sustain energy levels and keep blood sugar levels constant. Follow these meal suggestions.

1)      Grilled fish, spinach, mushrooms, quinoa

2)      Chicken and whole meal rice

7 reasons why you should exercise

Regular exercise is important to improve body composition, strength and cardiovascular health. Many people are starting to develop health issues such as diabetes and cardiovascular disease due to leading a sedentary lifestyle and a diet high in processed foods. Exercise and a greater understanding of the implementation of nutrition will keep you fit and healthy. Below there are 7 reasons why it’s important we exercise and reduce the obesity epidemic that we are facing.

1)     Burn body fat. – Personal Trainer London

From an aesthetic point of you regular and exercise and a healthy nutrition plan will help you to melt body fat and increase muscle development. By improving your body composition you will look and feel more defined, improving your self confidence and increasing your energy levels.

2)     Improve muscular Pain

Through strength and conditioning you will be able to improve muscular imbalances often developed through sedentary living such as lower back pain developed by weak core muscles. Exercise will strengthen your body through out decreasing muscular pain and improving the quality of your life.

3)     Increase lean muscle tissue _- Personal Trainer London

Resistance training should form the cornerstone of your exercise. It’s important to include weight training regularly and build lean muscle tissue because it elevates your metabolism meaning you will burn more calories at rest. In fact, one pound of muscle burns 30-50 calories each day at rest – compared to a measly 9 calories per pound of fat. When you exercise your body composition will change to contain more lean tissue, thus resulting in extra calories burned while you rest.


4)     Increase quality of life and stay young.

Tim D. Spector, a professor of genetic epidemiology at King’s College in London, led a study on the effects of exercise on aging. The results were astounding. They found that exercise appears to slow the shrivelling of the protective tips on bundles of genes inside cells (called telomeres), which means a slowing of the aging process. The study highlighted that regular exercise can delay the process of aging keeping you looking and feeling younger.

5)     Prevent Type 2 Diabetes

Regular exercise and healthy eating helps to control the body’s blood sugar levels. Through muscular development and achieving better body composition will improve insulin sensitivity which will prevent type 2 diabetes developing.

6)     Decrease high blood pressure and harmful cholesterol levels

Regular exercise will lower high blood pressure by strengthening your cardiovascular fitness. This will develop the efficiency of the heart making it more effective at pumping the blood around the body. By eating whole foods low in salt and sugar and implementing a good exercise program you will lower the risk of developing heart disease by lowering HDL levels.

7) Feel Better about your self. _ – Personal Trainer London

Exercise secretes endorphins around the body which elevates your mood. You will feel less sluggish and more focused at work with higher energy levels in everyday life.

The best way to improve body composition successfully and lead a better quality of life is to work with a personal trainer. They will produce a tailored made program that enables progression and holds you accountable. They will coach you to perform each exercise correctly, improving technique and developing strength to aid in stripping body fat.


Why does temptation always win?

In today’s society, temptation is on every high street, in every supermarket and pretty much everywhere else you may think to look.

In addition the abundance of tempting edibles, you also have deeply ingrained positive associations with indulging. For example:

  • Tempting food is seen as a reward.
  • Tempting food is turned into comfort food.
  • Tempting food then becomes food for stress relief.
  • This then becomes a habit.

Don’t let temptation defeat you anymore.  A Personal Trainer London can help you take control and fight back by using your most powerful weapon……no not your fist…..but YOUR BRAIN.

A Matter of Perspective.

Overcoming temptation is very important and the only way to do this is by associating negative things in place of positive ones. Use the 2 steps below to harness the power of your mind to become stronger than any temptation.

Step one: Create A Strong Negative Association with all the BAD STUFF

  • If you believe that burgers and chips are the greatest food and you set your mind to think that they are your favourite, then you will never lose weight and will always remain unhealthy.
  • You have to ask yourself why you dislike tempting and indulgent food?
  1. Unhealthy
  2. Increases weight
  3. Decreases energy
  4. Destroys confidence
  5. Completely reduces the quality of your life
  6. Ruins your love life.
  • Whenever you come face to face with these temptations, STOP and think about the list you have created stating why these foods are bad. It’s about time you kick these unhealthy foods off their pedestal and to replace them with something a lot more healthy in its place. Personal Trainer London can help you.

Step Two: Create a Strong Positive Association with all the GOOD STUFF.

  • Now you have cleared your mind of these unhealthy temptations, fill the void with healthy foods such as fresh fruit, crispy vegetables and lean meats.
  • Same as we did with the unhealthy list, create a list and ask yourself what you love about healthy foods-
  1. Healthier
  2. Reduces Weight
  3. Increases Energy
  4. Builds Confidence
  5. Drastically improves quality of life.
  6. Enhances your love life.
  • Surround yourself with healthy foods and a Personal Trainer in London. Take a stroll down to the natural food stores and take a look. Have casual walk down to your local farmers market and do a little shopping there. And finally clear your kitchen of any unhealthy foods.

By taking these techniques and applying them to yourself, you will soon find that healthy foods are more appealing to you. A Personal Trainer in London can help you achieve your goals.


Did you know that the average person gains almost a pound a day while they are on holiday?

The reason is simply down to the fact that you are missing workouts, eating larger restaurant meals and over indulging in snacks and not to mention an increased amount of alcohol.

Here are 6 holiday tips from a Personal trainer in London you should consider before packing your bags. These will help you come home fitter, not fatter.

  1. MAKE A DECISION- this is probably the easiest step to consider when trying to avoid putting on the pounds, however it is also the most overlooked due to is simplicity.

Visualise yourself returning home in a fitter state to when you left home. Allow yourself to bask in the excitement that you would feel.

Remember, when you can feel what accomplishment is like, it will keep you motivated throughout your holiday and will help to steer you away from the inevitable temptations that will be around you.

  1. Personal Trainer London says GET MOVING- Try to avoid inactivity, such as sitting around for hours by the pool. It may feel great to do nothing and just chill out but this is where the pounds quickly creep up on you.


Choose activities that keep you active and you will soon see the calories burn away, also try and avoid indulging in unnecessary snacks.

  1. INDULGE IN PORTION CONTROL- wherever you go to eat, whether it be a 5 star restaurant or a fast food diner, you will be met by the same problem…..GIGANTIC PORTIONS. Here are a few tips that you can follow in order to combat this issue:
  • Get a separate box and before you begin to eat your meal, place half the portion in there. This will help with creating a healthy portion size.
  • Pay more for your food and eat less. QUALITY>QUANTITY
  • Reduce snacking. Have a structured meal setting.
  • Eat your food slowly; do not rush through your meals. Allow your brain time to register the food.
  1. EAT NATURAL SWEETS- The average person consumes approximately  46 teaspoons of sugar daily. The average person on holiday can consume even more than this.

These sugary calories may taste delicious, but they come at a high price.

  • Sugar causes the body to believe its hungry- this is due to the fact it causes  massive insulin rush and therefore causing blood sugar levels to drop.
  • Sugar causes weakness in the skeletal structure of the body- increasing vulnerability for osteoporosis. This is due the removal of calcium from your bones to allow your body to process sugar.
  • Excess sugar is stored in your body as fat. The liver can only store a limited amount so that means the body needs to find somewhere else to dump this, So the only place it can do so is on your belly, thighs, hips and back of arms- ALL THE PROBLEM AREAS.



  1. STAY AWAY FROM FRIED FOOD- Fast food restaurants are extremely appealing to holiday goers, simply because of the convenience factor they pose, low prices and quick service. But all of that is definitely not worth putting on a few extra pounds for.

A single gram of fat contains 9 calories whereas protein and carbohydrates only contain 4 calories. So it’s pretty clear to see that eating fast food will definitely increase your caloric intake. These extra calories are certainly not ideal.

Still not clear enough for you…..ok….look at this way then. Take a normal potato and bake it for 10 minutes and you have a meal that is 110 calories with 0 grams of fat. If you then take the same potato and make fries out of it….you then have a meal that is 380 calories and has 18 grams of fat. Now which one sounds healthier and more appealing?

Frying food not only adds extra calories, it also comes with added health risks:

  • Heart Disease
  • Diabetes
  • High Blood pressure


  1. PERSONAL TRAINER LONDON HOME WORKOUT- If worst comes to worst and you book a hotel that does not have a gym or you prefer your privacy, you can do this work out in the comfort of your own hotel room:
  • Body Weight Squats: . Complete 12-15 repetitions.
  • Do Jumping Jacks, High knees, or jog in place for 30 seconds.
  • Body Weight Lunges: . Complete 12-15 repetitions.
  • Do Jumping Jacks, High knees, or jog in place for 30 seconds.
  • Push Ups:  Complete 12-15 repetitions.
  • Do Jumping Jacks, High knees, or jog in place for 30 seconds.
  • V-Ups:  Complete 15-20 repetitions.
  • Do Jumping Jacks, High knees, or jog in place for 30 seconds.

London Personal training

People would rather spend days on their couch than anywhere else.

People who would rather have a root canal than go do a workout.

Some of us have our lazy days, but more and more people are turning laziness into an occupation.

What about you? Check if the following describe you:

  • You would rather passively observe than participate in activity.
  • You’re a master at making excuses.
  • You try to find short cuts to do everything

If that is you, don’t worry. There are many reasons why people become lazy.

  1. Deprived of Sleep: When you haven’t slept, it is easier to be unmotivated, which can make you lazy. Make sure to have at least 8 hours of sleep a night in order to maintain enough and a sufficient amount of energy that you would need to keep you going throughout the day and to function at your best.
  2. Caffeine Boost: Abusing yourself with large amounts of caffeine every morning would help you for a couple of hours, until it drains your energy and become even lazier than you were. Try to avoid the caffeine rush, and let your body rely on its natural energy.
  3. Bad Habit: If you make your self do the same lazy routine by jumping on the couch straight after work every night, it will turn into an automatic habit and not a conscious decision. To break this habit is quite easy; instead of crashing on your coach automatically, consciously get up and do something productive – like going to the gym.
  4. Inactivity: When you don’t exercise in your spare time, and your job most of the time keeps you on a chair for house, this will accustom your body to inactivity. It is time to wake up those sleeping muscles that you don’t use and make yourself more familiar with the joy of moving about and physical activity. An easy way to get out of being lazy and inactive is going on small walks in your spare times for about 30 minutes when you have time. Once you’ve broken yourself in with consistent walks.