
Before and After

There are many before and after pictures of people who have lost a considerable amount of body fat and added lean muscle tissue improving their physic, lifestyle and confidence. They worked hard to achieve what they have achieved and didn’t give up when things got tough which is the attitude you need to improve your […]

Stop gaining and start loosing

Gaining weight can be due to a number of different factors in your life which can effect eating and exercise patterns. Why has your body weight increased and how can you stop it increasing further. 1)     Avoid these fat mistakes People go through different things in life which effect them in different ways. Similarly people […]

7 ways of staying lean and healthy

When you have worked hard and reached your original goal you now have to stay focused and keep it on. This blog will look at 7 ways of staying lean and maintaining a healthy body. 1)      Keep Active Don’t forget how you achieved your goals in first place. It’s vital that a resistance program should […]

How to be Successful

Many people set them selves goals which they want to achieve but never do. Their failure can be put down to a number of factors such as, unrealistic goal setting, no action plan in place or loss motivation. How do we get around these problems and make sure we are successful in achieving our fitness […]

The behaviour that shapes your lifestyle

Our behaviour is what shapes our personality and our lifestyle. How do you behave? What are your habits? It’s important to understand that if we make good habits in our life, our lifestyle and health will follow. If we make a habit of getting 8 hours of sleep a night we will have higher levels […]

Fitness in 2013

Although I am a firm believer in that there is no time like the present to start exercising and eating well, January offers a clean slate for everyone to asses how they feel and consider what they need to do to achieve there fitness goals. It’s due to this reason that the health and fitness […]

personal trainer Regents Park

Exercises can be classified as either compound or isolation exercises. Compound exercises are multi movement exercises where several big muscle groups are working together to produce force, while isolation exercises are exercises that target one muscle group at a time. Compound exercises enable you to get more “bang for your buck” helping you achieve better […]

personal trainer Camden

So the New Year’s coming up, and you’re trying to reinvent yourself. You might be thinking about New Year’s Resolutions to better yourself, or just going along with what comes to you. But either way you might be considering to become healthier, fitter and happier than you are currently. To keep yourself on the right […]